In the "DARK" days, one will become the seeker to understand that which makes no sense. As light is introduced, one is shown an that of the etheric realms and then expanded consciousness, so that they seek more of that in order to expand their own awareness. In the "LIGHT"er days, one is shown "bliss" , what is to come, what they can have.... if they just keep focused and moving forward.
Many desire to "stay" there, as those experiences are usually so profound and exquisite. But, one is not provided an opportunity to exist there in the physical state (yet) until "training" is achieved. Many do not understand the "periods" in between.
After each short experience of each "expanded or advanced vision", one is brought back to experience all that is necessary to achieve that "level". What comes next, in between the stages, is KEY.
Those in-between stages are "training" periods. They serve a multitude of purposes, (way too many to type here). EVERY experience, every person of interaction, every situation is a test to teach to see how long one will endure duality to remain there. With each transformation of energy, one learns to MASTER a bit more of their own, and then given a new "experience" to move them into the next level, once trust & integrity at that level has been achieved.
One will later come to understand that their SOUL chose every person, every interaction and even set the timeline for how each would occur to best accomplish the experience. The physical self "chose" how to experience each level, which path to take (ego or heart), and how long to stay there, to endure for the sake of what they are to learn in order to teach themselves so that they could in turn use it to help another, to live out their physical experience here.
These start with the triggering of all things that exist in the physical on a vibrational level for clearing, in order for the LightBody to start to create, DNA start to activate, cellular memory to be transformed achieving up to the highest levels where full re-integration occurs of all selves to come together to CREATE one SOUL that exists in total integrity of the Universe.
What one chooses to do IN-BETWEEN levels is teaching them everything needed in order to ascend the next level, in addition to developing their own tools necessary to fulfill their own SOUL PURPOSE here.
By the time one hits the 10/11/12th level of the LightBody stages (Levels only used for sake of a linear understanding), one has the ability to "see" the possibilities of future selves and are given the ability to actually CREATE it just by thought (Level 12), then dropped down to "DO" it in the PHYSICAL ~ as a RE-INTEGRATED SOUL, no longer as the individual physical self that they once were.
It is through the resolution of duality in the lower levels that one is able to achieve the ultimate of their own soul purpose here, ONCE one is no longer limited by physical reality of the logical mind.
This is achieved once one has resolved all the frequencies of: Stories of who they once were as a physical being that kept them separate from SOURCE, where thoughts are no longer interrupted by the thought of the individual self first, and when what one does holds the highest amount of integrity, because they have achieved all test of "reverting" to "previous" selves PRIOR to reaching this point.
SO, when one wishes to know what their Soul's Purpose is here, it is present by the experiences, lessons, individuals and tests that one is provided in EVERY MOMENT to achieve. There is no ONE thing that any soul will do. One will teach ourselves by all things brought to them along the way in order to fulfill a purpose beyond anything that sees one as an individual here to do anything individual.
One is guided to pay attention to absolutely everything in their physical reality, as once enough light has been brought in, then one can actually see beyond their own darkness to start to observe every interaction as guiding them to their soul purpose. Once one has achieved integration on a higher level, their soul steps in to unlock higher level keys & codes "hidden" within to provide an overall view from the soul perspective. This one is much grander than the "flat" and restrictive view of the logical mind. One starts to exist as their own soul self and in connection with everything, seeing how all moments exist simultaneously affecting every moment to transpire as to what one see's as "different moments" or "separation of time".
Once those (12 levels) are mastered & achieved, Galactic Levels begin to build. Those are entirely different write ups to be provided when it is "time".
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