I had never heard of metaphysics, vibrations, higher consciousness or any of this other stuff that has come to drive my entire being. Little did I know what all would come of those 5 little "weird" words.
Everything is energy. You, me, that table, that rock, light, music, those tones we hear in our head/ears. Everything affects everything and it is so much more massive than we ever imagined.
First, the logical mind cannot in any way fathom this reality. It is not possible. For one to even start to understand they have to have begun their awakening in order to separate consciousness. The thinking mind and awareness become different entities. We become two beings in one body. Our ego/intellectual/reasoning mind-self and our heart-self. The two no longer co-exist as one being. Then the duel ensues. We become aware of duality.
The ego mind-self then feels threatened. It goes into survival mode in order to maintain power & control. But we feel things like we never realized before. Everything we have suppressed our entire physical life wants to surface. Misery and suffering become household words. And the walls come tumbling down.
We start to become aware that our thoughts are dysfunctional and attract everything to us that we don't want. But how oh how do we deal with this? We have always BEEN our thoughts and now we are to just shut them down? Yep. And since our thoughts are done by "habit" we spend 24/7 trying to break the habit of the biggest monster of an addiction that has owned us. And it is not going down without a fight. And it does NOT fight fair. It scares the crap out of us with fear, it feeds our insecurities by trying to enforce the old system of not good enough or can't. It even creates pain in our physical body!
But then we start to understand that our hearts are stronger, wiser, and truer. Our heart doesn't betray us, lead us down those windy roads of chaos & confusion. Our hearts know everything inside that we have been trying to figure out forever. But then we feel vulnerable. Oh no, there must be something wrong with me, it hurts! Nope, that is the mind again playing tricks.
Learning to become an observer of everything removes us from the role of participator. We "step outside" and look down at a situation to see the bigger picture. We start to "see" things we never could before. We learn to start paying attention to every thought that comes through and we see how dysfunctional and dishonest our mind is. How could we think such things!
Learning that our thoughts are created (yep they are) and learned, we realize that we have the power just to change our thoughts. Don't like that one? Change it. Pick a different one. We are the only one inside our head now. It's not our parents, it's not our ex's, it's not anyone. It is a separate entity called the ego mind. And it serves a purpose of duality, for which we all came here to experience and to learn from.
An emotion is a response to a thought. And if a thought is created, then our emotions are created too. Hmmm. So if we can change our thoughts, we can just choose a different thought & therefore choose/create a different emotion? NO KIDDING! Now that is powerful! Exactly.
Everything of a low vibration is of the mind. Everything of a high vibration is of the heart. We are evolving into heart-centered beings of love & light. In order to get there, we have to diminish the dysfunction of the ego-mind and learn to trust our hearts and higher guidance. This takes a lot of practice and is a 24/7 job. It does get "tiring" and it can be challenging, as we are now responsible for everything we think. Once we have awareness, we also have choice. Now we have to make a choice that is right. And the ego-mind does not like that. That is what it deems uncomfortable. But wait, that too is a feeling. Wow, another created feeling!
Every dis-ease, every physical ailment, every addiction, everything we "don't like" is in response to low-vibrational energy (thoughts). Once we are aware of this and work to release everything of low-vibration we can start to release everything that no longer serves a purpose.
There are many awesome tools that help us do this. It no longer has to be as painful as it was in the past and we don't have to suffer the way we used to. We have awareness and the ability to change things instantly just by changing our thoughts. We can be free! We can be healthy! We can be pain free, dis-ease free. Question is, is your heart-mind stronger than your ego-mind? Do you want it bad enough? Because that IS what it takes to get through this. Freedom, enlightenment, inner peace & love are all now a choice.
Walk with me if you will.
In love,