A Journey into Consciousness beyond the limits of the Reasoning Mind.
It begins with that spark within your heart. That IS your Soul Awakening.
Ascension, Awakening, Descension, Expansion.. they are all part of the soul awakening & expanding from this little light that ignites within our heart. The words separate the process, but there is no separation. ALL are emerging to become one. As more light is integrated, the more our soul expands as part of our being to become how we exist. There is nothing outside of us. It was always there. It was just hidden in the darkness of of a physical reality created to act out a role of duality. The "time" has come that many are awakening to "see" this.
The expansive "overview" is non-linear, it is simultaneous. In attempting to explain the process, it gets diluted and broken down to SIMPLIFY for the logical mind to comprehend. It is a mind-blowing process that the linear mind needs to understand. There will come a time where all makes sense. Until then, we try to explain in a linear fashion with an explanation that is never quite sufficient, as the explanation comes THROUGH the experience of the soul.
The expansive "overview" is non-linear, it is simultaneous. In attempting to explain the process, it gets diluted and broken down to SIMPLIFY for the logical mind to comprehend. It is a mind-blowing process that the linear mind needs to understand. There will come a time where all makes sense. Until then, we try to explain in a linear fashion with an explanation that is never quite sufficient, as the explanation comes THROUGH the experience of the soul.
AWAKENING is how Logical/Rational/Thinking MIND processes
ASCENSION is seen in the physical BODY experiences
DESCENSION is the process of the SOUL (SPIRIT) entering the body as Light Energy
* All occur simultaneously, but appear linear to the logical mind
INTEGRATION: All "selves" or bodies merging to create ONE unified body of light.
The vibration of ALL bodies must be raised to the absolute highest level for SOUL integration to occur.
Light Energy & Consciousness expands with every level of ascension & integration.
As more light is assimilated, we become more expansive to BECOME walking & existing EXPANDED BEINGS OF LIGHT!
I "see" the Soul as an "ignition" of the flame within our hearts. It has always been there, waiting for that "right time" to emerge. For each this will be different according to the life lessons of duality that Soul chose to experience and heal. The purpose of all Souls are to heal within and then share that in order to help another do the same. In healing we raise the vibrational frequency individually and as a collective. In healing, we BECOME our Soul and exude light in our interactions just by BEing. We BECOME transmitters of light for all of those who are coming through as RECEIVERS of LIGHT ... bringing us all to BEINGS OF LIGHT. WE create a NEW reality of peace, love, kindness, compassion for ALL as ONE. Together.
LIGHTBODY INTEGRATION starts to occur when the mental body (awakening), the physical body (ascension) & the spirit/soul body (descension) have all raised enough in vibration in order for assimilation to start to take place on SOUL level. One literally becomes a walking Soul. This level I call the Expansion Level. The more soul light, the more expansion can occur. This is basically when all bodies vibrate high enough that they can communicate light codes, frequencies and grasp non-linear time. This occurs when one is primarily existent in their heart and no longer ruled by the logical mind. This occurs when one allows for enough flow in order to start to create their new reality instead of allowing it to be created for them. This is when the Soul becomes functional and one no longer exists entirely as a physical being. LightBody Energy Sessions assist with expediting this process by creating a fusion in all energetic bodies where energetic/telepathic communication can begin as one. Until integration occurs, light energy is transmitted to raise the vibrational frequency of all bodies to expedite the process of soul integration. |
Everything on this site is what I receive as understanding according to the level of consciousness & perception that I have in the moment it comes through. This will continue to expand as I do. What I write has no scientific basis. I leave that up to those who need to prove something. If it resonates, you will know, as you will FEEL it within you. I do offer supporting information if I am aware of it. All informational resources are appropriately credited.
Light Energy Transmission Channel and Awakening & Ascension Guide❤