In linear time, there is a past & a future. There is also current moment. I was stuck in current moment with a focus on a "future" time of something that I needed to do. No matter what I did, I could not accomplish it in my mind. I spent way too much "time" trying to resolve my current thought of the "future" thing. In an expanded state, such things are not an an issue. They resolve AS they occur. We don't try to control them, and we definitely don't step out of PRESENCE to go into a moment that has not occurred yet. In doing so, we create discord and disrupt flow. (But there is a way to accomplish this! Took experiencing it to figure it out, as usual, which will be a totally different post).
In an expanded state, we trust. We understand that the small things don't matter. We do not operate in a physical reality anymore as it once existed. The ability to manifest instantly comes from this expanded state. The sense of knowing is completely understood and always available. We are IN FLOW with the Universe and everything is so totally magnificent!
I do not choose to function in the past or future anymore. I have not for months. I take every moment as it occurs and remain in flow. I trust explicitly. Then "yesterday" occurred. A Time LOOP, if you will. I was stuck in a loop of moments that had not occurred yet. I have found that this occurs anytime I attempt to step out of current time to try to plan or do something in the "future" that is not currently present. (Separate post on how the conflict of frequencies affects our physical reality and energetic health.)
Now, there are several things that contributed to this. One was putting up an "old" photo from the "past". I originally did this because of the feeling it instilled in me when I saw it. I was happy. My heart expanded. BUT, what I did not realize was, even though the feeling was what I enjoyed, not only did it raise my vibrational frequency in one capacity, but it "pulled" me out of present moment. It took me "back" into a linear frequency of "time" that no longer existed, therefore dropping my frequency in a different manner. Remember, we have to "step out" of current time in order to leave it to go into the perceived future or past.
The logical "thinking" mind operates at a lower frequency. The universal mind operates in the present and provides absolutely everything we "need" at any given moment. It does not require thought or the thinking mind and actually, anytime the thinking mind is present ones frequency must drop to "disconnect" from Universal mind in order to form a thought.
PRESENCE carries a higher frequency. PRESENCE is HOW one experiences the present moment. PRESENCE is a way of "BEing".
Linear and non-linear are such difference frequencies. How one experiences "time" is based upon the "spin" of this frequency and the "loop" that it appears to create from linear perspective.
(I will be posting separately on the frequency LOOP and spin of TIME as it pertains to linear & non-linear, according to what I "see" with an expanded frequency view. This changes for all of us, dependent on the frequency level that we have access to at any given time.)
So I awoke today, got myself "straight" and stayed in flow. Wow, how awesome it was to be "back". And, low and behold, EVERYTHING I tried to accomplish yesterday and could not manage to do, got done by the Universe exactly as it should TODAY!