Along this way, we all became the enabler. We did things out of guilt or obligation, not because it existed within us to do so without a condition attached on either end of the "doing". We did things to help another, because we truly wished to help.
But along the way we come to realize, that this is a journey that requires all to go within. And in doing so, we cannot help another. We have to allow them to help themselves.
How do we do that? We BECOME the light that shines the way for them to desire the same. This light allows them to see that there is light within. It allows them to CHOOSE something different. And that is not anything we can do for another. Choice is our own.
So be the light, share the tools, plant the seeds and learn to step away. For helping another by way of "doing FOR them" only interferes in their ability to choose. And it takes choosing one's soul over that of the physical for things to start to change.
Love, honor, respect are all thing that exists within. Any compromise will create a new lesson/experience for the one compromising. These are necessary for all to come to a place of responsibility, self-empowerment and unconditional love for all.
I have had to say "no, with love" a lot. It has been a huge and continual part of my own journey. I have learned to provide tools and allow another to choose. If they choose their own physical world reality over that which is REMEMBERED and KNOWN, then we know know that they need to take a different route to find the answers themselves. I used to see this as "my" failure. I now see it as their choice. There is a difference. ♥
I love you. ♥ ♥ ♥