Boundaries are a HUGE thing that all have to learn in this process of consciousness. It is a hard thing to create, when one has never had any. Those who had strong "people pleasing" personalities have a hard time with this especially, as it comes along with the territory of "making others happy".... BUT (and yes, I rarely use that word, BUT....)
Saying no is necessary much of the way. This is also one that will continually come back around to teach us how to say "NO THANK YOU" with love.
Much of the reason many don't "like" consciousness is because it means standing firm in one's own energy, not imposing on another's energy and taking responsibility, releasing all "old" learned ways, and this is perceived as "hard". Yet, it is only "hard" when one perceives it to be.
Boundaries, respect, honor, integrity ... they are all internal work that radiate outward. When another cannot or does not have enough consciousness about them to "give" another these things, then one must go inside and find the "hole" in their energy/frequency that "drew" this to them. When one repairs their own energy, heals, mends, brings in enough light, then those who came to "honor their agreement" will fall away. BUT sometimes not before one has the strength to say "no thank you, with love, and I respect me more than that".....
For me, this was a HUGE one. Another was "believing in another" when they made promises without the intention of honoring them. This comes back to honor. One of the things we learn along the way is not to make promises. This creates expectation, which creates the opportunity to be let down/disappointed. If another is honorable and you are too, then this will not be an issue. The other will "do" that thing because they DESIRE to, on their own honor. And if they don't, then the choice will be whether to compromise one's self to accept "less"... when this occurs, this is a choice.
For me, I operate on my own honor. I don't make promises, as I function in present moment. This has been hard in scheduling appointments, but I have managed to do it, by honoring that which is "brought to me" to do. It is part of the transition into going with the flow & staying in step with the Universe at all times.
As we move into higher frequencies, we will always be tested with the same "old" tests, and what we do will determine whether we have to experience it "again." If we do not wish to do so, we choose the direct route, step into discomfort or fear and say "no"... and we always do what we feel in our hearts.
Consciousness is not compromising that which you do not wish to do, it is learning to choose when to compromise and when not to. Each time we honor this within ourselves, it gets a bit easier.... until eventually it is but a faded "memory" that falls away. As when one vibrates at their absolute highest frequency possible, those in their immediate "field" will eventually be operating at the same. If they are not, it is again yet a test.... honor it as so and always choose from the heart. I love you. <3