The self-created chaos of the mind: When we choose to go against what we "feel" in our hearts, when we choose to give way to the "thoughts or belief systems" created, we betray ourselves and what we "know" deep down and good and true. We then look at everyone else as the ones who have betrayed us, when in fact the betrayal lies within the physical mind that betrays our own heart. This is why we have such trust issues. It IS ego-dysfunction at its best. We don't need another to betray us, we manage that all on our own. And from that stems the inability to trust anything at all.
When we do NOT listen to our own hearts we commit "The Ultimate Betrayal." Betrayal of self. Betrayal of our own heart.
As a physical being, operating in intellect/ego/reasoning mind, we try to maintain that created belief system, those thoughts that were taught/learned, those things we "created" that we unconsciously "believe". Until we learn to understand our own thoughts, where they came/come from, when they are created to respond to a dysfunction, we may continue to override what we "know" in our hearts to give into what we want to "think" in our minds. Until it does not work anymore, it appears easier. But easier is not always for best and higher good. And later it may/will come back around for us to deal with when the heart becomes involved or we made a decision that we "knew" not to be in alignment with our authentic selves, our heart.
Until the intellect/ego/reasoning mind is understood, cleared of any low-vibrational thoughts and comes into balance with our hearts, human instinct is to continue to create what it perceives as "knowing best". Anytime we "think" we know better than what we "feel" as true, we create a problem for ourselves (i.e. conflict, chaos, more low vibrational thoughts like anger, blame, pain, sadness, etc.). Then when we have to deal with that problem, chaos, conflict, our ego kicks into protection mode to start to blame/find fault, making someone suffer for those perceptions (which always includes self!)... as the ego does NOT like to be wrong. It will fight to the end.
This is where inner pain & conflict arises. Then there are many scenarios that can play out.
- Reasoning mind - The rational mind/ego gets involved. This is the most common. We dismantle the entire situation/thing, we have to understand it, dissect it, figure it out. Somewhere something went "wrong" and if we figure out what that was, blame whoever for that "wrongness", then we can fix it and make it the way it "should be", how we perceive we need it to be to be "our way" or "right", which is the ultimate form of control. Forego our inner conflict and chaotic monkey-brain. This scenario usually ends up with all "heart-based" intuitive responses being ignored. Because it does not "fit" into our pretty little picture we have in our head.
- Compromise - Our head "wants what it wants" or how it has "decided" we need... but there is a bit of the "heart-tug" going on that we give into... then the negotiation between head & heart starts. "I'll do part this & part that, because then I can live with myself because I tried." There is a 50/50 chance that it might happen the way we need/want it to be. Then we can "satisfy our conscience" because we listened a little bit.
- Listen to our hearts - Quiet the ego/reasoning mind/intellect, understand it "tried" to control the outcome, but understanding that we technically have no control and that is completely mind-created, then we accept whatever it is for what it is, in that moment, and we let go of the "push-pull" and don't entertain anything of low-vibration that feeds a need that is not in alignment with our authentic self (pure heart). We acknowledge our role in whatever, accepting whatever it is as a lesson and purpose served. If we feel "wronged" then we let that go & forgive THEN and let it go! Our hearts couldn't care less about blame, shame, guilt, fault.... it understands everything is perfect as it is and knows that if we truly do for best and highest good that all work out exactly as it should. There is no need to control as we have trust in ourselves for doing what is "right"... something only done from the highest love, appreciation, kindness.
By listening and acting from our authentic self/our hearts, we begin to break that karmic cycle that has been created by past "wrongs".
Now, there is a difference between what our mind "creates" as "right" and what our heart KNOWS as right. One is self-created to serve a purpose, to adhere to a belief system of right/wrong. The other is a feeling of correctness, perfection... there is not question, no doubt, no wrong...
The mind "thinks" right/wrong. The heart "knows" perfectly. There is no argument with the heart. That takes place in the mind when we go against what we know as our "truth".
Transcending the ego is not something we accomplish, it is something we allow. The more we "fight" the ego, the more power it has. The less we fight, the more our heart can come through. For even feeling the need to "fight" the ego is in fact and ego-created thought.