If everyone would exist in this way, there WOULD be world peace and love amongst all. We would help each other, for no reason. We would be kind, just because. And we would do, simply for the sake of doing.
There would be no reason to worry or concern for being in our heads. For thought would be of those we meet, of greeting them with a smile. It would be about how beautiful the sky is and oh, let me go pet that animal or take a walk around the lake and enjoy this gift of nature.
There would be no desire of anything less than what we have in front of us. Sharing would come in every moment. Love would be the currency of exchange.
For those who wish this, it is simple. Get in touch with your hearts and release judgment of self and others. ALLOW yourself to feel and let go of everything someone else taught you to think, which resulted in the way you feel. Become conscious, as consciousness allows one to release all that does not serve a purpose of helping each other.
My reality is as I described it. Because I choose it to be. Because I allowed all of that other stuff to fall away. Because it is possible. ♥