To expand into a space where one is to assist others, integrity must be of the highest regard.
To honor another's need to grow as they need to grow, think as they need to think, be as they need to be... requires respect, honor & integrity. This is achieved with each expansion in integration here.
You are coming into a "time" where honor, respect & integrity take on a whole new meaning. Where telepathy is present, imposing on another occurs where one lacks these things in their own energetic body. One will be held to the highest regard when interacting on this level. The tests to now were also for this reason. <3
Most identify with the word "telepathy". As all integrate more, they evolve energetically INTO that which they once were. This allows for one to communicate AS and energetic being rather than a human with a gift to tap into. You are becoming this in every moment rather than achieving anything. You are transmitters and receivers being tuned to higher frequencies to become that which you already are. <3