Having "odd" thoughts that make absolutely no sense lately? Has your world gotten realllllly confusing? Are you trying to understand something where logic just does not apply?
Have you been getting sick repeatedly and the "old" way of healing does not work? Is it totally perplexing and no explanation makes sense? Crud keep trying to come up (or out) and leave? ♥
Body doing all kinds of super weird things lately? Re-shaping, making noises, and expanding? Do you feel like you are giving birth to air? Jaw not lining up, head expanding, pelvis weird, shoulder/spine adjusting, shooting electricity through your body, cranial expansion and more?
Mack truck sitting on your 3rd eye? Does your body heat up & burn off at a high rate for no reason?
SEEING flickers of light, images, shooting all around? Do you wonder if there is something wrong with your eyes? ♥
Have this intense desire to get outside to breathe... feeling caged or pinned? Feel like all that "stuff" around you is heavy or closing in? Are you aching for simplicity in amongst all the clutter? Inside and out?
Head all foggy, can't remember, don't know what day (or time) it is? Forgetting things, feel out of balance, eyes all blurry, head all tingly, hearing things? Confused????? ♥
Have you started seeing things differently and have new understandings of "wow, I never saw that before".... moments of brilliance that make you think?
Are you feeling lately even more "isolated", like others do not understand you, like there is an "invisible" rift that only you can see? Do you feel "odd" and out of place even more now when you are around those that you used to love? Do you see that something is different and "off" but you just don't know what? ♥
Eating habits all over the place? Put on weight or lost weight and no matter what you do, nothing seems to work? Eating stuff you never would or "those foods" make you feel bad now..... craving something and you just cannot figure out what?
Sleeping habits all out of "whack"? Sleeping all the time, odd times or waking up for no reason in middle of your sleep state? Are you having trouble figuring out if you are awake or asleep? If "that" happened or not? Feel like you are "working" the entire time you sleep?
Does your heart feel all warm and fuzzy, but yet there is no "thing" or no "one" as a direct cause... you just feel better, happier, lighter? Do you giggle at the tiniest things, or just LOVE all for no reason? Are you making those around you sick, you are so awesome?
Congrats, you are awakening to remembering.... (and your LightBody is forming!)