I woke up in 3D world.... somewhat of a connection, but lotsa dreams stuff that allowed me to work through stuff I didn't even realize was there (awesome & a whole different post), brought me "down" into 3D upon awakening... I got my stuff and headed to the lake for my 2.5 mile walk and to "be" with nature... along the first mile... I felt a "shift" within and around me.... I "got" to stop and look between two trees, that there was a "portal" there... so I did... it was so amazing... I could "see" the shifts taking place... and I saw & felt a shift again and I immediately knew I had "switched".
Now this is that part that I won't have words to explain completely what I experienced. I "know" it, but don't know how to explain it. I could see things differently. My vibration was much higher and I could notice the obvious difference. Even the ground moved away from me. I immediately was "taken back" to like a year and half ago. I "remembered" the same experience, but I didn't understand it at the time. I would have these "experiences" at night when I was in between waking/sleep state, or I would wake up at 3-4 am to have these experiences where I could "see" through things into other "dimensions". It was so weird. I would go "bonkers" at a poster on the wall that I could see all the way through into a portal. I could see depth that "wasn't there". It went on & on forever. I took pictures & videos on my phone trying to "capture" it, but of course no one else could see it. My "friends" thought I was hallucinating, and I allowed those thoughts to affect my belief in what I saw then, because I didn't know any better. Now I "get it". Wow!
I had one night I fell asleep on the couch and was "woken" up to "see" something. I looked above me and in the dark, like 4 feet above me was this exquisitely beautiful energy form floating over my entire body. It was much larger than me, and it just hovered. It was translucent, lined in shimmering gold and just perfectly beautiful. I felt peace & calm and just stared into the "face" of this beautiful energy, and it just hovered and look right back at me. This went on for a few minutes and I blinked and it was gone. It was not a dream, I was present. It was an experience. I just have yet to totally understand it, and know when I am meant to, I will.
When I "try" to see, I can't. Trying interferes. Removing the obstacles, the interference, being open to allow absolutely anything & everything and not discounting the things that seem crazy or don't make sense. Just make note, journal and store them away. They will come back around if they are meant to.
I have been having these experiences forever, yet until today haven't remembered or understood. It IS a time of remembering for us all. In love <3
P.S. Anyone that has anything to add to this, please feel free. Sharing helps us all! Namaste'