While one can speak from a higher level of how all of this does not exist, one also must respect that on the physical it still does. As the physical is just a dense material manifestation of our own soul's vibrational frequencies, at that moment in the perception of time.
Even as I write this, I can see from a multitude of consciousnesses, observing the "holographic play", observing the realities created by thought, observing the human aspect of it where we all interact while working to purge that which no longer serves. In this state, one can observe the gridwork of lights, the frequencies interacting as they move about. It is beautiful and all things individual are menial and dissolve away.
That view alone creates confusion while realities continue to merge. "Here", one can step in and out and choose which one to "be". In this moment I can choose to not be anything, watching as all endure their own realities and know that all is perfect. I can go within to see my own realities and observe that which is being released as I type. I can "step down" and participate in the human form/physical. And as the Universe transmits rays and Gaia shifts into even higher consciousness, we tune to those frequencies and shift in any given moment too.
To exist in a multi-dimensional consciousness all at once... I have come to get used to how these periods come and go and welcome the moment when they come and remain. Each time we utilize these periods to tap into higher states for the sake of the entire human race, we are able to contribute on a level "faster" than that of the physical mind & reality.
In super high energies like now, one can go to a "sleep state" to enter a whole new level of understanding. This experience alone offers new opportunity.
In this moment, all is exquisite, perfect and standing still. As here, there is no other moment. In a moment, that will change.