Many who operate from a place of "lack", think that they have nothing to offer another. A very important thing for all of us to do is give, without attachment, without wanting anything in return. Do it, just because you can.
This is part of the energy that we are all working towards creating together. Sharing.
Maybe you:
- Share a smile with a stranger
- Donate at the register of your local store
- Help someone in need
- Pick up trash when you pass it
- Hug instead of shaking hands
- Send an email to someone you have not communicated with in awhile who might need a smile today. (or call is even better!)
- Say yes, when you normally would say no
- Give your time, which is free, and doesn't cost
- Sit in a mall and greet people with a smile
Sometimes the thing we least want to give is the thing we need to give, in order to break that attachment to it. Breaking an attachment to any "thing" over someone (including self) is perceived as hard, but serves a very important purpose.
It doesn't matter what you do, it is just that you do. Give without condition. Don't put limitations on giving or it is not giving. Change the word giving to sharing. Giving indicates you want it back or there is something attached. Share it. Say "You know what, I have this, in abundance and I am going to share this with you, just because". And smile.
Now, I am off to share... SMILE, HAPPINESS, LOVE, LIGHT AND KINDNESS with everyone I encounter today. Just because.... ♥
I LOVE YOU!!!! ♥