You will see me writing on suffering and fear a lot right now. Many are again suffering to that which is surfacing. Suffering is a result of separation within one's own soul from the all that is.
As many souls continue to re-awaken and their own veils continue to lift, we will see more & more of this in even greater magnitude.
Bringers of LIGHT continue to unite in order to expand that light out to the masses. For when that light is so bright, then darkness can emerge for transformation, and reality as we once knew it continues to purge and evolve into the NEW that we all feel and see.
Separation continues to fall away. Separation within must first occur, as manifestation in an outward reality is created from that which exists within.
Look within your own soul and see where separation still exists. it will be present in I/me/mine/he/she/they/it... for there is only WE in ONE.
When the heart has no barriers or walls to separate, then pride, competition, judgement and individualism no longer have a place in one's inner or outer reality, as both exist as the same.
I love you and am transmitting light in every moment.
❤ ❤ ❤