It is important to assist those who are experiencing this, to allow for more understanding, ease & flow. Many will fear that something is wrong, as linear (physical mind self) attempt to integrate with non-linear (soul self) into a higher vibrational frequency. Many will still have that experience, due to lack of information received or accepted thus far.
Some will be searching, argumentative, as they still hold fast to the realities of the "old world". Change creates fear and fear creates a multitude of responses. The more dominant the masculine energy, the more "fight" one will possess as things shift. Continued resistance presents as loss to many, as it takes extreme (perceived suffering) for the survivor/strong ones to choose differently. The ego is in direct conflict with the way of the heart. This will create turmoil within, while others will embrace their new desire to be happy and free of old limiting behaviors & beliefs. New light will be awakening & surfacing in all. For those who fight further, suppression will become more prominent by way of addictions, medications, food, and more.
We are here to offer compassion, kindness and guidance by way of sharing that which we have grown INTO by way of LIGHT within us. It is not ours to engage, convince or change their experience. It is ours to create awareness and a place for others to ask when they are ready. And they will be ready.
Much is transpiring right now. Being beacons of light is the purpose for all. Shine dear ones, as in the ignition, it is together that we create new and light the way for all to receive. ♥