The message earlier was that all were to release thoughts, expectations, agreements of anything still existing outside present moment. This would mean all things up to THIS MOMENT.
In non-linear time, all you have is this moment. To "step out" of that, one must allow their own thought to think in advance or process thought. One has to actually "think" of another time that does not exist for this to occur.
Relationships are not as they were. All have had to go through releasing relationships, due to attachement of energetic cords. What one has then is exchanges in honesty, integrity, love & truth. In order to do this, one must choose to exist in present moment in the same without creating energetic cords by way of attachment or expectation.
This is an "art" to do... as one must be conscious enough to not make promises or ask for anything in return. Thoughts must be present, which means not straying to another time to "think" of the past, what might have been/might be or form a thought in advance. In order to do this one must listen to every word, either in observation to learn or in presence of participation.
This also means choosing to let go of all other moments. When two can step in unison of present moment, no expectations are created. Things will transpire exactly as they should be, responses are felt and respect for self allows for no compromising of one's soul.
How do we plan the future one says? We don't. We can transmit desire for what we wish to occur in our own reality and if the two desire the same, then that vibrational frequency shall be met. If they shall find themselves together in another version of this moment at the same frequency, then choice in that moment will allow for that desire to manifest according to that which was created in the previous version of the same moment. ♥