Many will see their separation surface by way of fears, sadness, loneliness, anger, guilt, judgment... the list goes on & on... The first thing to do is recognize that this is what it is, so that you can choose to USE it to assist you, rather than fall "victim" to it.
WHEN ONE UNDERSTANDS THE PURPOSE, the experience takes on a whole new meaning. HOW one deals changes and those things that "controlled" them doesn't have to anymore.
Where do you feel unsettled? Where are things "off"? What do you do? Do you know "what" to do? How do you recognize and choose something differently?
The thing about masculine energy (present in male or females) is that it is TOUGH! It holds on to the very last moment until holding on is no longer a choice. Masculine energy has to lose everything before it "gets it".... it fights... and it goes down swinging. Do you know how to tell which is which and when you are stuck in it to do something to change it?
What do you do when you encounter such energies? What do you do to go within to find them within yourself? Can you release all judgment and sit with what you see? Can you then choose to allow it to leave?