I could not answer many for a long time about what it is that I do. Mainly because I just didn't know. I knew "it" worked, but couldn't explain it. I just "did" it. All I knew was that I helped people. There was no basis for the experiences that happened. No session was ever the same. That is still true, and actually even more true than in the beginning. I can say one thing, each session causes me to grow even more. It allows me to see the miracles that only others read about or dream of. Letting go of expectation and allowing the universe & higher consciousness to step in and guide, allows for absolutely anything to happen. Only the reasoning mind could even consider trying to understand.
For a long time I tried to do Reiki. I tried to do healing in an hour like others. I tried to do online sessions on a time limit. Doesn't work for me or my clients/those I help. So, other than group meetings where we work/learn/heal together as a group, my individual sessions now predominantly also last an entire day.
I don't do "quick fix" healing. I can, but learning that even those can be a band-aid. They help the person feel better at the moment, which sometimes is all one needs. What I do goes much deeper. It goes all the way into the soul. It merges timelines/dimensions to clear a multitude of other "lives" that our souls have experienced. It not only clears this "lifetime" of energetic memories stored in places that we may not be able to experience, but where appropriate, it also allows me to access memories that are stored in the energetic body of the person laying on the table in front of me. If it is meant to be, I can "go into" the memories stored at a cellular level and actually enter the energetic field and pull it up for healing/clearing/release.
I first spend time doing spiritual intuitive counseling/healing. This is most definitely necessary prior to any healing session. It helps put the person in a receptive state before they can open up to receive/allow themselves any healing at all. Now, I am not a healer. I am a vessel, a conduit. The client is totally in charge and at any time can interfere or choose not to heal. But, their purpose is to be here to heal, to feel better, to release & let go; even of the things they don't understand. I don't tell them anything. I present other options to what has caused them to be stuck. I show another perspective and how they have created their own blocks, which interfere with their ability to love themselves, be good enough, manifest abundance. When these channels are clear, the possibilities are endless. But the one who comes seeking healing HAS to be sick of being sick, tired of being tired, tired of being broke, and/or a a victim to anything. They have to truly, in their heart, want something better for themselves which in turn allows them to go on to help others to grow & heal eventually. This is how we help many. We first have to help one.
Recent sessions have shown that some, many or all of us are "victim" to other lives. In this reality, we meet those we have interacted with in other lives/dimensions/timelines (all same thing), and we respond to them according to our "other lives" interactions. This would explain the reactions we have to other people we meet here, like feelings of distrust, discomfort, uneasiness, love, bonds, whatever, that we can't explain "but we know". We do already know them, we just don't realize it on a conscious level. We have agreements to interact with them in this life to teach us/them, and by pulling up these other life experiences, accessing them, we can expedite our "karmic contract" to move through it quicker and change our responses to one of healing and love. We don't have to be victims. We can understand it & move past it. We can understand it immediately and let it go. We don't have to interact if we learn from it. The purpose is to fulfill the contract, not to suffer long-term. If we get it and can expedite healing and move through it instantly, isn't that a much preferred preference?
We are finding that because things are speeding up so quickly, what used to take years or lifetimes to understand, experience, move through & heal can now actually take a matter of months, weeks, hours & even minutes. The information we have access to now is so much more than ever before. We no longer are limited to information of one dimension/timeline/lifetime. We now can move through them, at will.
For some, it takes several sessions to clear through the "gunk" that is in the way. Some have worked through tons and just have those core things that they can't "get to". Each soul is different, where they are at is different, and what they will experience will be different. My only intention is to help expedite and ease suffering, release blocks, clear anything causing one to not be able to heal. Period. How that happens is up to the universe.
So, yes, quantum healing/jumping is now a part of "now". A year ago I couldn't even understand the words. Now I experience this on a very regular basis. Now to continue to develop it so that I can continue to teach others to also do this.
On a side note: I keep getting from a multitude of people, don't trust others. Be careful, they are out to "steal" what you do. Patent it, trademark it, copyright it, whatever. You know, that is physical world ego talking. I don't operate in that capacity. It is those thoughts of individuality/duality that got us here to start with. I/me/my. This is not about me. If I can teach, I will. If someone is meant to do this, they will. If they are not, they won't. If someone "steals" how to help another, GO FOR IT! Heal away!!!
I know what I know and what I am here to do. What others do don't affect me or influence me. As long as I have a roof over my head & (raw/healthy) food in my body to sustain and a few minor necessities to function, I don't care. I charge money so I can keep helping/healing. I have been "told" that all will be fine, keep going. So I do. I have already grieved the ego attachment to people and things. I am here for a purpose and I am fulfilling that purpose by helping, healing, sharing. There is no duality in love. Duality only exists in the ego mind. One can not "steal" what we don't own. One can't "own" healing. One has to BE healing. I possess so much more than they physical mind can comprehend. There is no I. I am you. You are me. We are we/one.