But, I really don't care. Not from an uncaring standpoint, but from a place of knowing that those small, tiny things really don't matter. When we "see" things from a much higher view, all those little things don't mean a hill of beans. It is getting to a point of "not-caring" that helped me understand what is truly important and to be able to care on a whole new level.
Now I care about the universe on a whole and that includes absolutely everything, not just the little things. Now I care more than I ever did before, I just didn't know the difference. Now I truly care about how someone is feeling. Not from a "pity" standpoint, but from a place of love & healing for everyone truly searching for it. Before I "cared" too much, and helped everyone in victim mode because I needed to save. I spent so much time "saving the world" that I really wasn't helping anyone, much less myself. Before, I cared in the most dysfunctional way! :)
Now I care more than the mind can ever comprehend. Now I care because my heart is open and I am not afraid of being hurt. I possess a universal love that no physical world love can ever compare.
Now I care! :)