Grateful, Kind, Compassionate, Authentic, Conscious, Aware, Present, Love
Being all of these things expands your light within. Those you interact with will benefit and in turn receive a little light to add to theirs. You may spark another in order to create a smile, by sharing a smile. You might make their day and raise THEIR vibration. Meet low-vibrational exchanges with a higher vibration. Raise the situation or atmosphere. Hug someone who might need a hug. Figure out what you can give, without attachment and give it. All of these things INCREASE your own light and allow you to receive more, and in exchange give more.
Time is irrelevant and it does not cost a thing. Give of your time, freely. Abundance is in everything, not in A thing.
Giving does not have a face at the other end. Giving is just because. It doesn't matter who the recipient, how it is received, what that person has or doesn't have, just that it is. Giving freely does not have an attachment of judgement to it. What we receive is proportionate to that which we give (without attachment.)
It is no longer a time of the past. If you wish to achieve abundance in every part of your being, learn to master the energy of abundance & lack. This cannot be done in a "me" or "them" mode. Abundance has nothing to do with an individual.
The times of duality must fall away if one is to be truly abundant. There can be no limits on what we give. When all limits are released, then the limitations of what we receive diminish also.
Most give in exchange for something. Creating equal exchange is imperative to not feeding lack. But, if one is not lacking, then why give in expectation of an immediate return. The universe will return what one needs, when one gives freely and opens up to receive abundance at any time, in any energy matter form it comes through.