Today has been a flood of information, but more just for me to understand little things that I never really focused on or realized before.... I can never quite remember the perfection of exactly how it came through & writing it later just doesn't do it justice, but I do it anyways, as later it helps me to look back and read.
So here goes one:
People are constantly running around saying:
- I want this or I want that
- I wish I had this or I wish I had that
- I need this or I need that (technically we NEED very little, majority are "wants")
This is applied to people & things.... a relationship, a job, the car fixed, to lose weight, a man or woman with specific characteristics, a friend, a decision, more this/that, and the list goes on & on
But, we actually need very little ... we need on a physical level a roof over our heads & utility bills paid, and very few other things that are necessities. If we quit focusing on all the things we "think" we need, and focus on ourselves, raising our vibrational frequencies, then we are able to "tap" into a higher dimension of understanding and when we get to that point, then we totally understand that we don't need hardly anything at all. In addition, when we are vibrating at that level, we stop with the limitations of specifying what or how we need. We open ourselves up & trust the universe to deliver to us exactly what we are meant to have, for best & highest good. Until we can do that, then everything else is "under our control" and technically we mess it up. Our need to control interferes with the universe's ability to help us. We shut it out. We don't listen. We feel we know best what we need. Technically, we don't need to know. We don't need to know how or why. Just that it is.