Being okay is something we come to exist AS; this resides within us. Yet, I keep hearing others speak of "if they had that, all would be okay." I want this or I want that.. and what they have is never quite enough. It is "I am thankful, but.... ".
As usual, there are a multitude of perspectives to choose from!
Can you lay or sit in any space and be at complete peace within you? Can you FEEL and KNOW that exactly what you have, right here, right now is perfection? Can you appreciate what you have or do you always want for something else? Is your "happy" based on anything outside of you?
Happy and okay is not anything "out there". It exists within and RADIATES OUT. All create their happy and peace from within.
All that represents happy "out there" that is not in alignment with your Divine Essence and BEing, these things get "adjusted" to show where something is "backwards" or "off". If things are not working, there is a reason. Falling victim to it is the "old" way. Observing it, going within, finding it, owning it & CHANGING IT are where all are being placed now.
All things are being "reversed" in this process. All have spent their entire "lifetime" acquiring things, controlling, achieving... for all of that to fall away. Identities have been created around others & things. One has no idea who they truly are. When it is time for one to come to REMEMBER their own self, as an energetic being, all things "out there" fall away until this occurs. One can choose to participate or allow it to occur for them. The latter is a whole lot less "fun".
Stop for a moment and breathe, get in a space where you can get quiet and go within. Now remind yourself that, in this moment, you are okay. You have everything you need. Re-focus your energy. Get out of "another time". The "future" is being created by that which you FEEL right now and visualize in your mind's eye. If that is anything less than bliss & perfection, YOU ARE CREATING that which you do not desire. If you do not want it you have to stop focusing on it and start to focus on transmitting out that which you DO desire. Desire comes from your heart. Not your thinking mind. If you wish to create, you must first get okay. Otherwise, all you are creating is that which is not okay according to your own mind. Being okay is not in your head. It is always in your heart. Now the question is, can you exist, in every moment, in your heart? If you can, then you can start to create that which you truly desire. And this will ALWAYS be a FEELING which then creates the thought. Not a thought that creates a feeling.
This world is backwards. Welcome to the inside-out world of the soul. I love you.