Are you aware of your own frequencies and when there is a disruption that occurs? Do you make your own frequency and connection a priority? Where do you allow for distractions to interfere with setting aside time to connect on that higher level? Do you have a "space" set aside for this?
We are coming even more into a time of higher consciousness where distractions are occurring for us to see. WE have to choose to remove them and say "no". WE allow the distraction. As receivers, our frequency is of the utmost importance!
Becoming a receiver is one where we devote time to solace & solitude. We choose to allow other things to fall away that do not assist us in elevation of our own vibrational frequency.
In the "beginning", we have to set aside time for this. Chaos, chatter & "things" create distractions to keep us from doing this. Eventually we become the transmitters & receivers and everything dense interferes with that. One must learn to separate the chaos in order to understand this & in order to see all disturbances in their own energetic field.
The higher we vibrate, the more other dense things become disruptions. There will be a time when those things around us will support our vibrational frequency. Until that time, it is up to us to choose that which will allow this to occur. ♥