The soul grows by the introduction and integration of light INTO it's BE'ing here. Picture it as an expanding light trying to bust out of your physical body. (That is what I get to see). So WALK WITH ME, if you will.
All start out by trying to find their soul. One looks UP at the Universe above and "waits" for it to answer by way of a higher self or other things that we identify according to our own belief systems already in place (i.e. Angels, Fairies, God, the Universe, etc.) As a soul, they are all the same, just depicted different according to the level of consciousness that one taps into to "see". As one grows "through" these levels, identity of any difference also falls away and all just become ONE that exists within as the ENTIRETY of all that is.
In the beginning, the soul is fragmented, broken, and full of "holes" in its energy body. The soul is pure light and everything that is an imperfection (present within the ego) is literally SEEN and presented as "dark" energy. The SOUL body is what many refer to as their ENERGY BODY or LIGHT BODY. Dark carries a lower vibrational frequency. All of this serves as the purpose of duality and the experience we CHOSE to have here in order to ascend.
It is part of MY SOUL PURPOSE here to translate, simplify & explain from the very SIMPLE soul view/perspective what is wayyyyyy beyond the limits and comprehension of the detail-needing, answer- seeking, complicated-making, thinking/logical mind. As a physical being, I AM a teacher of Re-Awakening & Ascending Souls. As a Soul, I am here to assist in bringing in more light for all. This includes the LightBody Energy Sessions/Workshops and also the Light Energy Transmissions that I do. Now, in the "future" it will expand way beyond all of this, but for now, this is where "all" are at in the ability to accept & receive. Everything evolves as all of humanity evolves and the entire world ascends together. As more achieve "LIGHT" status, they too will be able to then turn around and assist in the transmission of light energy in the physical. So, by helping others bring in more light, I will also be "teaching" future LIGHT ENERGY Transmitters to reach out to assist on a much grander scale. This could not be done before, as it was not yet "time". That "time" rapidly draws near.
ALL of our souls are already HERE in the physical. They are no longer "up there" where all tend to look when trying to connect. This is a very huge part of the understanding process that is imperative to SHIFT one INTO understanding that they are walking soul energy. How much of that one's soul is present is dependent upon the priority that they place on EXPANDING their own light within. KNOWLEDGE of a soul comes through the AMOUNT of LIGHT that one holds WITHIN their own soul energy. The ENTIRE purpose of one here is to bring in more light in EVERY moment and release all dark that becomes visible by that light. Period. Everything else is just "details".
This is why all keep hearing "go within, all of your answers are within". Your own soul holds all of your answers and is accessed through the clearing & expansion of your heart. Your purpose is to learn to connect with it, listen and choose. Further igniting that light will bring you more answers and continue to activate those keys and codes that remain locked. The KEY is LIGHT. Your SOUL PURPOSE is to continue to choose light so as to unlock the next level so that you can transcend the physical limitations and STEP INTO your SOUL PURPOSE once the dark has been allowed to fall away.
There are soooo many ways to bring in more light, raise one's vibrational frequency and expand beyond the limits of the physical. It takes being aware, present & conscious in every moment for one to CHOOSE to do this.
An awakening (or re-awakening) is not choice. How "fast" it appears to occur is, as time is a creation of the logical and linear lower-self mind.
All get in a hurry in the beginning, as once the soul ignites, there is a FIRE that burns to know more NOW! All that is gathered by way of information will assist that soul later when they expand out into their physical role here to assist to help mankind. Their interests will be fed by that information that will come through when they need it "later". Anything "spiritual" and focused on the heart will also trigger codes within and further activate that which has laid dormant awaiting for this to occur. The NEED is the ego, which the soul actually utilizes to "do the physical work" to seek all that is "missing" and necessary for growth.
ut, where there is duality, there is separation. The ego seeks to control HOW this occurs. So where one loses consciousness, then they fall back into the way of the ego needing to "drive" the experience. Which is WHY consciousness is so important; as consciousness is by way of an open heart, the observer, and choice.
As the heart expands, so does the soul light and the level of consciousness. They ARE ALL ONE.
As ALL bodies continue to ASCEND with more light, they are continually attempting to integrate into ONE BODY OF BEING. The LIGHTBODY, or Merkaba, starts to build for one to fully transcend the limits of the physical and be able to "travel" multi-dimensionally, AS a higher consciousness (and alternatively) beyond the physical. For now, many are having these experiences on limited individual basis, while more and more are starting to comprehend as they remember. This steps into another "level" of what my purpose here is.
As a LIGHT BEING, I am able to transmit and tune the frequency of one's soul energy so that all bodies can integrate at a higher vibrational frequency. These transmissions actually RAISE the vibrational frequencies of all bodies of consciousness. There is a "fusion" that occurs so that all are able to then communicate on an energetic level and it is a BEAUTIFUL THING! Dark energy is allowed to fall away (pour out, seep out, purge) with greater ease. Much is instant, with the rest continuing to occur later as the vibrations continue to "push" the dark out and integration continues at a faster rate.
The physical BEING actually FEELS their soul as they get up off the table. They feel IN ALIGNMENT, balanced, have clarity, WALK TALLER & LIGHTER, and many of those pieces that were "out" elsewhere (in other dimensional versions of one's self) are called in to MERGE during the session so that the Soul can integrate at a higher level.
Higher Levels of Consciousness are now able to be experienced, IF one ALLOWS what transpires after this LIGHT INTEGRATION. As more light comes in, and the soul expands, disorientation occurs. One's "head" actually gets disoriented (no thinking) and clear (seeing) all at the same time. This disorientation is what one feels when their soul is attempting to bring IN it's access to the higher dimensional states. One's logical mind will kick in and fear the loss of "control". As the logical mind is strong and it does not like to lose control. Where one is still battling the control of the logical mind, then this expedited process is limited by the control one allows to be placed "back on" their own soul and can actually slow down one's integration process. The more one continues to need to control, the slower the SOUL INTEGRATION process occurs.
The physical being sees "hurry up, oh but wait!" and they actually slow down the process that can be embraced and sped up by CHOICE. The choice is to let go of control that the ego/logical mind has created in order to maintain it's own identity, while the soul knows that eventually it will dissipate and merge into ONE WHOLE ENTIRE SOUL BEING. It is the physical being that allows the Ego mind to create fear of "oh I might lose this" and hang on to all of those identities that have separated one's soul being. It is the purpose of the physical being to CHOOSE their soul SO THAT THEY CAN RE-Integrate as one SOUL BEING OF LIGHT!
Now, I learned by "letting go" and trusting. This did not come easy. But, many have read books upon book, achieved certifications and education and still have no idea of how it all works. That is because knowledge of the soul comes through LIGHT. This is why some "grow" faster than others. Because they are "serious" and embracing LIGHT in every moment and choosing it. This is how ALL souls will awaken faster, which is by learning to understand that they must CHOOSE it or it will choose them and all that they held onto in order to avoid will be "removed" as an obstacle for one to make a different choice. One of the SOUL.
The UNIVERSAL SOUL self is way beyond anything here in the physical. It has access to everything needed to bring in more light and to assist in the TRANSFORMATION of all. Once one has stepped INTO this journey and learns to embrace it in every moment, then those choices are always supported. Where difficulty occurs is that while one is attempting to embrace light, for a while, they are also working to release all that they have accumulated by way of what they understand as karma in order to bring all into alignment at a higher vibration. The difficulty along the way presents as lessons that one will use to "prove" trust with their own soul self and the Universe. Each test is imperative, as the soul self is then teaching itself and establishing trust that the physical (lower) self does not have or yet comprehend. In order to merge, trust is established in every moment, every step of the way, through embracing one's own soul in honor, integrity, purity and love.
So, get ready to open your heart, bring in more light and expand beyond that of your own physical self's wildest dreams. As what is to come is way beyond the physical. I love you and with this writing transmit light from my soul being to your soul being, as one.