Take a moment that you could/can only see "one outcome", one point, one thing. Then stretch it, flip it, expand it.
> You "stretch" by taking that one outcome and then seeing how many more you can find. Instead of "that resulted in that".... ask the question: What else came out of that? Then keep doing that until you have made a list (3-5 minimum to start, then this even grows as you do.) Pick things that benefited, no matter what it is, it doesn't matter. It is YOUR MIND and you can get as CREATIVE as you like. The more creative and ridiculous it is, the better....
> You "flip" by picking the opposite... if you see something you don't want, find something you DO. There is no can't, don't, won't, shouldn't, not, or buttttttttt in my reality.
> Expand it.... take "it" and keep expanding the purposes... bigger and bigger and bigger.... make it such an awesome experience that that "thing" you only could see before "gets lost" in all the awesomeness!
If you truly wish to transcend your previous limits, you will CHOOSE to expand the mind you have to one that you never know existed! ♥