I feel like I spent the entire night playing tug-o-war with one huge ego refusing to let go. When I woke up, my body was aching physically from the exchange of trying to help another "let go", but while the desire & heart really want to, the mind/ego is saying "nooooooooooooooooooooooo" and putting up a huge fight!
Sometimes there are so many "things" to hold onto, as giving them up means loss of perceived identity, loss of what is perceived as safe.. what one doesn't realize is they are the ego's perspective and it gets rough when they are in full blown protection mode.
At some point that rubberband has to snap. All the "holding on" has to give, one way or another. The body responds to all the conflict within. The ego is rampant with fear & "what ifs"... while it is "these" things that have to go in order to come to that place of "understanding, love & peace"... but first, sometimes, we have to break. How hard we break (hopefully) is up to us. We can just let go, cry, release or we can convince ourselves that we have control, that we "know" better than our heart (intuition) is telling us.... from my experience, EVERY TIME the reasoning mind/ego/intellect jumps into a situation and "chooses" not to listen, because it is not the answer we "want" to hear, to "manipulate" another answer that works... we end up energetically dealing with it anyways, either later in bigger proportions or when "our" ability to choose is taken away from us and we are no longer in the driver's seat.. which is a much more dramatic way to get to the same place, and not preferable by anyone I've ever met or seen. But sometimes, our ego selves are so strong, so unwilling to release that the Universe does not play games any longer.
I have learned to "step back" and let the other person figure it out. Ask questions causing them to "think" (yes I said it) about what they are "thinking about"... if trying to get them to "feel" their truth, their answers doesn't work, then sometimes when the mind is allowed to "be too dominant" then we have to let the mind go rampant, fight, create conflict, confusion, fear scenarios... because eventually, hopefully, the mind gives out, it exhausts itself. Sometimes one "realizes" all the craziness that they have been participating and how counter-productive it is. Sometimes (as we find out), just laying down & going to sleep gives us clarity, relaxes the mind so the spirit can step in and give us our answers. BUT, we have to be willing to listen, pay attention... we have to be open. If we are lucky, we do and all that "stuff" can be recognized for exactly what it is. Ego conflict, control & chaos. And as this person put it "unreasonable expectations". So kudos on figuring that one out in your sleep! For allowing clarity to creep in. For being aware!
Now, are there underlying "reasons"... yep, there always are... so what, who cares... If we recognize "it" at that moment as control, unreasonable, whatever... release "that" and when it is meant that we "understand why" we will, but we can drive ourselves crazy with "who, what, when, where, why, how"....
On another note, when we are in a home of other raging egos, control freaks, worriers, drama addicts... how do we maintain our own place of peace? This is a whole different post to come later! :) First, learn to step away... go find a bathroom & call in your guides, angels, higher self, the universe, god, whatever brings you strength & peace.... breathe, ask for guidance, peace, strength... and breathe in love & gratitude, breathe out light. Remove your energetic cords, sever theirs... remove your energy from the exchange, don't participate, invisibly draw a circle of light to encompass your entire body & energetic field... claim your space... become aware, listen & observe... then walk back in the room in a totally different place.... be an observer, learn... don't react! Theirs is theirs, yours is yours... do not allow the two to intertwine... "BE" responsibly! :)
IT IS TIME... The message I have been getting for months & months, but has ramped up these last couple weeks, BIGTIME.... it is time to stop playing games, to throw caution to the wind, to step up to what we know is our own truth and to become what we feel inside. Lightworkers of love, kindness & healing.... calling all lightworkers.... it is time!