In the "beginning", internal conflict & external presentation of those I met confused me and took me "aback", due to insincerity and what appeared as dishonesty.
What one's energy said, didn't match the words that came from them. Being an extreme empath & intuitive, I could always "see" the truth "underneath. Betrayal and lies were my biggest issues this entire physical life, as far back as I could remember. I was so distraught at the dishonesty of everyone I met. "how could they hide their truth? Why couldn't they just be honest?" I would continually ask. I was called too sensitive and judgmental. But honesty and integrity were such a huge thing, how was I supposed to get over dishonesty?
Then I experienced another level of awakening, and as I transcended that level, I would move out of my head and into my heart. Judgement fell away and compassion for the pain, fear & suffering I "saw" underneath took over. I no longer saw it as a betrayal issue, but a way for others not to have to face their own issues and truth. Most had no idea & just didn't know how. They were living by their own learned belief systems, dysfunctional thoughts and perceptions of their reality.
It would still be awhile before I understood that theirs was theirs and mine was mine to resolve (until I understood no separation, then that was a whole new "thing".)
As my ego diminished and my heart continued to open, I saw where I possessed the ability to help others - first by standing in my own truth and being a light - one of love, integrity, honesty... of authenticity... which includes vulnerability by not hiding any part of myself (the same thing I had condemned others for.) I began to speak my own truth and no longer compromised my heart. I used my "new" ability to help others see that it was ok to have faults, to be "messed up" and let people see them as they were, as our perceptions are our own. We perceive ourselves as we see everything. Others will perceive us according to their "world". It is not only totally ok to be honest (authentic), but preferred, and now the only thing that is acceptable with this shift.
In this time of feelers, of coming from the heart, those around us can now see truth much more easily. It has become a dominant factor in our energy exchanges, to be authentic. Those who continue to try to hide who they are are only hiding to themselves. We can "see" the truth, no matter what one now tries to "display".
Ego vs. heart creates internal conflict (i.e. internal duality). Those around us are very in-tune now with truth, so much more than before. Everyone in "this reality" can see & feel truth. Those who try to hide their truths, because they are not able to face themselves, are actually now falling away from those who stand in their truth. Now we all have duality. Some more than others. As we grow, this duality starts to diminish and our vibration is more in tune, in alignment. It's not that we don't have duality, it is just that we don't "mask" it, but instead we recognize it as a part of the process and we work to bring it up, work through it, and release it. We also don't tend to mask it with a totally opposite vibration. When we do try to mask it, we come across as inauthentic, as consider what others see within us. Being authentic is the only way.
It is "odd" to watch with this "new" higher vibration, this new "understanding" and higher awareness that so many now have, how authenticity is now something sought in those wishing to learn from others. Those who are unable to bare their souls , who wish to continue to portray what they think they need to be perceived as are now viewed as inauthentic. It is the reverse of what it was a few years ago, and now the duality exists between authentic vs. inauthentic, but where authenticity is what is sought and in-authenticity is what is no longer acceptable.
Another level of duality?
It is a time of helping each other. For those who choose to suppress and hide, all we can do is be a light of truth, love & kindness. We can show those who still fight internal battles that it is very possible to bring up the duality into the light and release anything that is in conflict and no longer serves a purpose, without judgment or ridicule. We have all been there. It is time to be that light of love for each other. To allow them to feel safe to "be" ok with who and what they have been and now are; BE'ings of love and light here to help heal and ascend together! As the "one" that we are.
There is only duality in separation.