Apparently I have been "assimilating" in my sleep. I keep getting the messages for weeks that this is what they have been doing "to me". I receive information while I sleep, much of it I don't remember, I just "know" it is coming through. I keep getting "told" to sleep more. Everyday at 4pm I "shut down", no matter how much I slept the night before (which means I have about an hour & 1/2 to get this stuff down before the next download.) I will apologize for the "all over the place-ness" of it all.. it comes out how it wants to.
3 months ago I started getting the messages that I was to go back and re-read my old channeling journals. I even "channeled" this several times, but never "found the time"; that there was information in there that I "needed" now...
Fast forward to the last few weeks... I have started having one of my "students/friends" balance my chakras every week or so. The last two times, the next day, I would "hit a lull" and not be able to "do what I should" (in my mind). I had a focus for "a direction" I was headed. Apparently that was not the focus they meant for me to be in, as each time I would "hit this lull" I would go to my "old channelings/journals".... same thing happened again yesterday. My "mind" was like "what is wrong with these balancing sessions" What is going wrong?" My "mind" could not understand it, as we were doing everything "right".
This morning I woke up with "tons of new information" and understandings that came through over night. Much of the time I don't "get things" until I speak... then I either "hear it" as a message for me (I channel and don't realize it, so much of the time I am given my own messages when I am "teaching another", like we all are). It is a bit different for me though, as I don't actually receive this information about "what I do" until I try to get it to come out of my mouth. Then they give it to me. lol (or maybe I do, but was too stubborn to listen before!)
So, THEY threw "that" chakra off so I would not "go down that road" and I would stay on the path that I was supposed to stay on. I hit a "lull" because every time I did, it made me pull out my old journals (which was the message I kept getting starting 3 months ago!). In those journals was information that "they" gave me a year and 1/2 ago that I didn't understand at the time, but luckily recorded in "jibberish"... but now makes tons of sense and is part of my puzzle pieces I have been looking for! They "opened" my information flow/portal back up to allow the "next step" of information to "come through", as now apparently "it is time" yet again...
They give me "business information" on how I am to proceed. I get entire business plans channeled. That is actually how this site name came about. I channeled it, purchased it, and then sat on it. Six months later, I needed a "Bachelor's Creative Project" for my Bachelor's Degree in Metaphysical Sciences, and could not figure out what to do, so I started this blog! I had other websites that I used for other business (building websites for spiritual practitioners and individuals on a budget), and this one just started "getting hits" out of nowhere for no reason, without any marketing or anything. This site took off on "its own" (yeah right), while my others lay dormant and somewhat existing for those who are meant to find them. This morning, I received a new domain name & healing name to "go with", purchased that and am off to set that up to move forward with that I have received is my purpose in moving forward to help/teach/share/mentor as many as I can in their own growth/healing/awakening/ascension process.
It is truly amazing and I am in love with this moment right here. Now it is time to lay down and "upgrade" again.... and I truly welcome the 10 minute "nap" and downloads that continue to come through!
In love sweet souls.