There are levels of ascension, light body elevations, consciousness, etc. Energy work can help clear, release, raise vibrations, etc. BUT the process that you must endure, like every one of us who came/comes through it, is the duality of your own mind. YOUR soul actually chose all of these experiences for you to resolve, heal, clear, release, etc. No one can do this for you. There is no quick switch to flip.
There are those of us that can teach you how to release with ease, change perceptions and "see" things the logical mind can't comprehend, but ultimately the strength of your ego/rational mind over your heart will be the determining factor in how you "suffer" (as suffering is perceived). If you can stay conscious, you can use the tools we teach. If you can't, or choose not to, you will endure the suffering until you decide to get conscious again. This is where free-will comes in.
I say this because, it is really important right now for us all to get busy. Play-time is over. Those who have avoided or chosen not to deal in the past or even newly awakening are going to start grasping for every "thing" they can find to get through this quicker.
WHEN you choose your own SOUL, your heart over anything else... when YOU decide that this is important to you, SO important that it comes first, then your spirit/soul will treat you with the same regard. It has to be YOUR priority. If it is a hindsight, and everything else is more important, then if or when it is beyond YOUR time to experience it, it will be "forced" upon you in your current reality. Those who "listen" to their souls/spirits have more of a choice in how this happens. There are signs, signals to give you hints. If you ignore them, because you choose not to listen (fear), because it is too uncomfortable, then that is your choice.
We, that have come before you, are here to help. But we can only help as much as the seeker is willing to open up to receive. We are not here to change your mind or tell you how to do anything. We are here to light a way. It is up to you to step forward and follow the light.
There is no judgement in this post. There are no expectations. This is from my soul to yours, laying a path. Everything I do with the highest vibration of love and light. Part of that is standing up and speaking truth. Truth can be, and always should be, spoken with love. ♥
From my soul to yours, choose to be conscious & choose to be aware, in EVERY moment. It is a gift that you will thank yourself for one day. ♥