The exquisiteness of every day starts with a thought and an open heart. All the rest is a result of that. ♥
Opening the heart is painful when experienced through the perceptions of the mind. ♥
When we take responsibility for our moments, then our moments no longer transpire for us or to us again. ♥
Suffering is not a choice, not suffering is. ♥
Want a surprise? Look inside. You will never cease to be amazed! ♥
Time is only relative to those who "see" it... it is only a marker of the physical mind. ♥
One can only think awesome amazing and exquisite thoughts once they've made room by tossing out and releasing all the ones that take up that space. Either the head rules or the heart rules and when the heart rules then the head ROCKS! ♥
One does not realize they are going through an awakening of their soul until they look back and go "woah"... I had no idea! Many seek to understand what this "spiritual'ism" is that all of a sudden has arisen, and to try to understand why they are different, why why why... the spiritual seeker starts trying to understand themselves, as logic makes no sense anymore, but then neither does anything else. The only thing they know is that they "know" something, they just have no idea what that is. Then one day... wow! ♥
Answers come by way of repeated signs that present themselves throughout our days, through those odd things that are just wayyyy to simple to be "it", and through those things that we fear trying, because they require a leap of faith into the "unknown". Signs resonate with a feeling rather than with a thought. They may even present as a thought of something that would be desired if one only possessed the faith to "just do it". Many give into fears and wait until all other options are removed before they will try that which has been repeatedly presented by higher guidance before. Signs show us what exists within our hearts. ♥
Every time you say "I don't have time" or "I can't"... know that you just shut the door on another opportunity of a future abundant moment. The Universe brings us exactly what we need. We are the ones that interfere with excuses from that place where duality & fear exist. Step into LOVE and the reality of "yes I can" and TRUST. ♥
When a moment of silence presents itself, where there are no other distractions and the only one you are present with is you, do you sit with yourself and go within, embracing all that which your soul shines a light on for you to see? or do you search relentlessly for something to fill the "space"? ♥
It's always the right time to say "I love you". ♥
Question of Conscious Awareness: Which YOU is present right now? ♥
In the beginning, we do this "here & there". Then we do it more & more, until it "becomes" us... then we just evolve INTO IT... all is a transition, one that can be enhanced with purpose in every moment to remove all that does not feed one's mental awareness..... so, what do you occupy your mind with in the "off times"... are you conscious then too? ♥