I had one girl tell me one time that she was angry at me for the longest, because I kept making her look at herself which triggered her deepest stuff and made her cry. Then later she realized it was my "job" and "what I do". (Keep in mind this was a meeting of my group she attended, so it was allowed.) :)
I was teaching an energy healing class when one girl left the room. I looked at another participant and said "I am going to have to make her cry." She looked at me, shocked, and said "you will have to do that, as I don't know how". Within the hour, the other girl went through a release, felt "it" leave her body, broke down in tears of happiness ... amazed that I "knew" at that moment to "stop the normal routine of the class" and go off into left field. She was so appreciative that a lifelong trauma/block had come up and just lifted, stating that she felt a thousand pounds lighter.
Others, I can "feel" memories and underlying stuff. I can "hit" a moment that they don't even realize is there. Sometimes all I have to do is ask a question at the "right" moment. If their ego is too intact, they will block it. If they are ready, it will come up and they can work through it in a place of non-judgement, without fear, and with love. Some I have had to work with to get those tough barriers to come down. It just depends on the situation.
Before I go into a healing or exchange with anyone, start my day, anything... I remove my "ego" from needing to be present at all and have a talk with the Universe. I ask it to guide the exchange/class the way it needs to go and to work through me. I release my consciousness to ascend to a higher place outside my conscious being. What happens next is whatever happens. It is not me. I am just a vessel.
I do absolutely everything intuitively. I "feel" and "know" things that I can't explain. Sometimes I get words, sometimes I get images. Mostly, I just "know". And I trust it completely. I did not always have that trust. It took time to "test" it, to get validation from others. To come to a place of trust.
I ask questions of others. One to make them think and figure things out for themselves. Sometimes I already know the answers, but the questions are not for me. I could care less about the answer, unless it needs to be stated to allow the other to acknowledge it and me to use it to help them further. Other times, it is just the seed. It is not up to me to tell anyone anything. I can and do sometimes, when it is asked or "feels" appropriate, but the best healing comes when one figures it out themselves. It removes the resistance to another person "telling" them what they should do. There is enough of that already. It's not for me. It is for them.