I see people people attempting to "hang on" to everything that doesn't serve them going "no no no, I don't want to let go of that pain, it is safe". I hear "I know that is bad for me" or "that is self-sabotage, but I just am not ready to let go of those things that I have claimed as my identity all of this lifetime" or "I know I will be happier, but I just wanna sit and hang on a bit longer" and I am going "WHATTTTTTTTTTT?"
Have I lost the ability to understand victimhood & ego death so much that I can't remember being in "that" place? or is everyone in crisis mode emotionally/spiritually all of a sudden?
The energies this month appear to have made more people bonkers than usual. I have people come saying "I am ready to clear these things, to let them go, to face them head on".... then as soon as "those things" start to peak, raise their ugly little head... even knowing they can't hurt anymore... they are only created... they are going "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I wanna hang onto it just a bit longer!".
So, luckily I have learned to respect another's wish to hang on. If that is what they want, then I can step back and give them their space to purge/release at their own speed, in their own time frame. I can hold that space of love & healing for when/if they come back saying "ok, I am ready". Luckily I can be an observer and know that even that tug-of-war with the ego self still serves some sort of purpose. Little do they know that we "give up" easily on our own terms or when higher self/universe, has had enough, it will yank us sideways with circumstances that we no longer can control and then we don't have a choice anymore. Each person's journey is their own. I can help expedite those when they are ready. Until then I continue to watch the craziness spin around me and transmit love & light stronger than ever before!