Anytime I or anyone else says "he/she/they" did this or are doing this... we replace it with "I allow or I allowed". Now, many don't like this, but so what. Everything is perception. And if I perceive myself a victim, that anyone ever did anything "to" me, then I remain in that mindset. Then I have given my power away to that person or situation.
Part of taking power back is taking responsibility & owning it. So, no one can do anything to me now that I don't allow. Thinking that anyone is stronger than I am energetically is no longer an issue. I own my space here, my energetic field. No one can penetrate that. I stand in my truth & my own strength. Those of different mindsets still function under the illusion that another person is stronger than they are, that they don't have the power to claim their space. In that mindset, they remain a victim to the very thing they fight against.
The "thought" that anyone can do anything to us, is just that, a thought. So, who controls our thoughts? The ego needs to blame another.... for in this state of perfection, there is no blame. Fear keeps us suseptible to another. Lack keeps us stuck in a mode of not reaching our full potential of perfection. To say that anyone can do anything to another is to operate that they have that much power. Power is perception. "Things" only have as much power as we give them. The conflict alone by the struggle to "fight" for our own energetic space creates this vortex of imbalance & weakness in our energetic fields. If I don't have faith in absolutely everything, then I flounder in the "oh no, what if" or "oh no, this person might...." and so much more. It's hard to take responsibility at first, because so many need to find fault. There is no fault. It just is.
I hear people say "but I love unconditionally" or "I have forgiven", while they hold on to the drama, fear, blame & perception that they are wronged in some way. We don't get it both ways. We either love & forgive unconditionally or we stay victim to the perception of being wronged. I "choose" to know and trust & be in my perfection. No one can be stronger than that unless I allow it.