So bottom line is which one has the most control, the most power? And which do we choose to allow to control us, to "win", if you will?
The physical heart feels pain when attached to the ego/reasoning mind. It tries to save others, it tries to appease it's own needs. It wants to "fix" or help the physical selves; self or others.
The higher heart does the opposite. It can step back and hold a place for healing. It doesn't interfere. It allows.
The universal heart has no desire to hang on, stay stuck, fear anything. It is pure. It can see/feel truth. It doesn't fear it. It embraces it. It helps souls that are ready to heal. It understands one cannot be saved from anything. It actually can step back and hold a space to assist in healing. Not on a physical level, but on so much of a higher level, when it is done from a place of peace, rightness, perfection. It doesn't feel threatened. It totally understands absolutely everything without needing an explanation for anything.
Fear of the unknown, fear of loss of identity, fear of losing control, fear of hurting, loss, pain, suffering.... While it is exactly that, the ego, that creates our own spiritual suffering. It's like that vicious cycle that never ends.
One can be ready to "let go" in their mind, and then when it starts to happen, that protective mode kicks in and overrides every desire to do what it knows & understands is necessary. At that moment, when fear comes in, that is when it is necessary to be aware and choose to let go. Stepping into fear is freeing. The fear of the fear is created to be so much worse in our minds.
As things "speed up", so does ego fear. It is rampant all around. It's everywhere. Physical beings are absolutely going crazy with fear. And when that happens, it kicks in high gear of control, self-sabotage, self-protection and makes everything "worse". A never ending cycle without releasing self from control of it all. Energetically this affects everyone on a physical level. Transcending that in self is the only way to "rise above" those frequencies is the only way to decrease and lesson the physical affects. It can be harder some days/times than others. The higher our vibration, the less affected we are long term, the more we recognize it and the easier it is to continue to raise our own vibration above it. Some days/moments it is with ease, other times it takes a bit more work, because of the amount of energy the entire mass/universal consciousness feeds into each vibration on a whole.
There are many of us Lightworkers now who are fulfilling our roles to help others awaken, heal and ascend. If you don't know how, but have a desire to let go, find one. It is our job to show those truly ready and who ask. Take that first step past the fear. Seek something higher. Seek transcendence. Seek universal love.