The logical mind truly has no comprehension of higher levels of consciousness, other than what it "learns"; experience is definitely required for any level of understanding to ensue. So even explaining these things to an "unconscious" person will be just another "mental note" to make, while those who are actually transcending the 3D world may get it... but only as much as they are able to experience. (It would be like one telling another what it feels like to give birth or jump out of a plane. Until one actually goes through it, it cannot truly be comprehended. It can only be something one envisions or just another "thing" to obtain. It is not something one obtains, but rather attains.)
This is only for purposes in understanding differences, not ego bashing.
Dimensions: (Some say we are in 4th, but I still use 3rd, as it is comfortable)
- 3rd: Ego mentality, physical emotions/responses, intellect is involved
- 4th: Balance between 3rd & 4th, where a bit of each are present. Less emotion but more heart!
- 5th (& higher): Ego doesn't exist. It is recognized, but plays no participating role. It is integrated into the whole as oneness. Everything comes from higher guidance/connections and the higher heart with the most exquisite love & bliss.
An unconscious person will comprehend/explain from intellect/ego/reasoning mind.
A conscious person will start to separate them on different levels, based upon their experiences thus far.
A heightened consciousness person won't really care, as it has no presence in that reality.
The need to create an opinion of any kind comes from the ego. It comes from an intellectual standpoint or will be accompanied by an emotion. Judgement & fear are main motivators of the ego. Control is maintained on so many different levels, even unconscious ones that most don't understand or have access to (yet).
In order to transcend consciousness, once must transcend and integrate the ego. Control is maintained by the ego. Transcending this means total relinquishment of control and opening up to ease, flow, co-creation & universal abundance. This takes complete trust as a BEing. As long as the ego is in control (or even participates), the full extent of what we can access on the highest level of consciousness cannot be maintained for very long.
A total shift of consciousness, means letting go of all ego attachments. This is on every level (mental/physical/spiritual). Integration requires the highest vibration of all bodies, and until then, discord will be present in one/several/all of those areas.
I have seen several "hit" a higher state of consciousness and in that moment it is like "wow"... amazement at the peace & bliss and level of "non-caring" about anything, as what we "see/experience" is indescribable. It is like they are being "shown" a glimpse of what "can be". But then I have watched several go "oh no, I don't have control there, and I prefer things & control" and they consciously choose to stay operating in a place where they can maintain control. From a physical/ego responsive standpoint, this is a hard thing to observe. From a higher perspective, it is understood that, that too, serves a purpose. Everything does.
The logical mind/ego/intellect loves to argue consciousness. It loves to tell others "how" they should be experiencing higher consciousness and what IT is. Those operating from higher states of consciousness have no desire to participate in such a debate, as it understands so much more than the thinking mind can comprehend. It understands that everyone's process for "getting" there is individual and respects that. Words are no longer necessary. They are limiting and actually disruptions. Communication is totally telepathic and everything is understood.