It's not just one type either. It's on every level. Mind/body/soul. It is truly amazing to watch, participate in & experience.
First, all healing comes from Divine Source. There is no "me or I" in energetic/soul healing. It is a connection that can't be explained, only experienced by all involved.
Much of the time I am not even aware of what was said or what was done until after. It just happens. The only thing I do know is when I "tried" to heal, I could not. I was thinking too much. I was in "I" mode basically. "I" kept trying to do something. Not until I "connected" on an entirely different level, stepped outside myself to come to a place of oneness, to "tap in" to source did I get it. It wasn't about trying anything. It was about "allowing" everything. No expectation, no thought, no "thing"... just BEing in a place of unconditional love, compassion, kindness, gratitude and willingness to be absolutely "nothing" to help another to heal themselves. The only thing I (not from the I perspective at the moment) is to "get that person" to open up to allow it also. If guards are up, if there are expectations on their part, if they think to much, it creates a block. I have to get them to "feel". That can be the hardest part when the "I" ego is involved. So for that, I also go to source to help me help them "be" present, feel safe, feel ok to be ok with themselves. It is then that they can open to receive love & kindness for themselves, which is the first step to healing. One of the hardest thing for each of us, whether we know it or not, until we understand it on a whole new level.
As expediters, we tap into source to allow healing to take place. Not only for the other, but for ourselves at the same time. As being one, we can't heal another without healing ourselves. Healing takes place on a level of "one".