So, comparison time at the moment. One day I was walking and looking at the ground. My thoughts were all in my past or in the future worrying. So I shifted my focus (literally). I started looking straight ahead or up into the sky, at the trees, at the people I was meeting to pass... and I realized that I can't be in the past or the future worrying if I am greeting everyone with a smile and a hello, if I am observing the trees, the nature life, looking at the sun or the sky & thanking the universe, being grateful. And my energy shifted to one of victim, sad, mind-thinking, to being present. So I am sure now when I walk that I pay attention to where my focus is when I walk.
Today I am observing and being in the moment. Every person that passes me running or from the other direction. How many people are looking at the ground "thinking" when they walk. How many people are killing themselves "trying" to lose weight. Then I picked up on thoughts of "I have to run and get this weight off" or "I am not happy with my body, I wish I were skinnier"... so many discouraging thoughts about why they were running. It was not a pleasant experience to feel, as even the anger in some because of their dislike or disappointment in self, their expectations of something they feel is "better". It was very eye-opening. I observed myself. I am walking at my leisurely pace, enjoying nature, smiling at strangers, focused on how I can feel my body being healthier. I was not punishing my body. I was appreciating every imperfection and how it made me me, perfectly. I was thankful for my restored health compared to last year, shoot, my entire physical lifetime so far. I was thrilled that I was able to enjoy another beautiful morning at the lake. As I smiled out of gratitude and appreciation, those around me kept running past me with feelings of ineptness, disgust, determination to "beat this thing" that they felt owned them. Whether it be poor health or additional weight or heavy thoughts... there was a common theme.
I could feel my health improving as I walked, because of the energy I was projecting and creating for myself. There was nothing for me to "beat" .... I already was what I wanted to be. And my body follows that! I treat it with respect and nourish it with raw/vegan foods, cut out fluoride, drink distilled/pH water, I walk in nature to be in gratitude, connect with the energy. I don't need to run to punish myself anymore. I enjoy the walk!
Side note 1:
Who do you think was losing weight that will stay off?
One in happiness, gratitude, feeding the mind/body/spirit connection to be healthy/balanced and of the highest vibration of love for everything single thing as one?
Or the one running with thoughts of anger, disgust, disappointment, sadness... because those thoughts alone create a block or issue that has to be overcome & released in the future. What foods do you think those thought frequencies cause that person to eat or crave?
Low vibrational thoughts create our physical being. So do high vibrational feelings.
I have dropped 50 lbs in 8 months just by being positive, feeding my spirit, releasing all the low-vibrational issues that caused my illnesses, diseases, problems. I now treat myself, my body with total respect and love, along with everyone & everything I interact with. Am I perfect? Nope. But I am in a totally perfect place!
Side note 2:
I "accidentally" noticed that my gums are smaller, no swelling.... my massive vericose veins in my legs are all but GONE! I was shocked... they used to be so huge that I was scared they were going to just burst one day and I'd bleed to death. I remember thinking that. They took up a huge portion of my calf right below/behind my right knee. Now, they are basically almost gone! No swelling, just a basic discoloration in my skin. That is truly amazing!
I will have to list all of the medical conditions that I have released one day, which are phenomenal alone. Maybe it will help another. I literally was on my deathbed last summer. I could not walk (tophi gout) and my body was completely toxic. Today I am healthier than I have ever been without medical problems and never getting sick. When I do "feel" something creeping up, I now know the cause and can release it to be healthy! Truly truly truly amazing this world!