I am realizing, through working with others how we "live" this physical reality (lifetime) based upon our other lifetimes/dimensions/realities. I had no idea of the impact on the magnitude that I now "see".
From the highest level of consciousness, we are everyone, every being, every other person, thing... so from that perspective all experiences, relationships, traumas, loves, etc. are with ourselves. From that awareness, there is no "other" and none of this even matters. There is only Oneness.
So coming "down" a bit, to go to a place of "separation", where we are separate beings, we exist to interact with each other, experience, hurt, heal, love, etc. On that level, we have interacted with everyone that we interact with "here" already and still do in other dimensions. They are not past, present, future, but just layers of separation. We exist in these in lower dimensions of reality.
To step down again, we exist part in one 3D and part of a higher level. Some have more awareness than others. This is where duality starts to fall away, but separation still exists. We teeter-totter between I/Me/My and WE. Some can access higher levels while functioning in 3D. There are multitudes of levels to this one, where the veil starts to thin and one can see/feel/hear things perceived as psychic abilities. Thinning allows "tapping" into other dimensions without full participation or awareness.
Then come down to this reality that we are experiencing physically, the one we where one can see & feel on a physical level. Interactions are so individual, so personal, so separate... of complete duality. This is where the ego/intellect/reasoning mind functions. One exists primarily to support the physical self. Our interactions are based only on what we physically see or feel, from a very basic level. It is us vs. them. Things are personal and people own things. This separation & duality is where our earthly traumas exist and are accessed. It is on this level that we are functioning as primal beings.
Separate "blip": Our ego lives in 3D. The logical mind can't transcend 3D to see other dimensions/lifetimes/timelines. We respond emotionally to what our logical mind can comprehend in this lifetime, based upon experiences we can "recall/remember" when our actual responses are the whole sum of our entire existences. One must elevate beyond the ego (3D) in order to release entire lifetimes of emotional pain & suffering on a soul level. Clearing traumas can be done in an entirety, but not from a logical mindset. One must elevate to a 4D to even start to "see" this possibility through awareness, and further elevate to a 5D level of consciousness to move past emotional responses to 3D thoughts & memories. Awakening opens up the "portal" for 4D, then expanded awareness allows us to elevate to 5D as we clear & release to continue to raise our vibrational frequencies. In higher dimensions (above 5D) we are able to access those other dimensions & fold them all into one to clear energetically what isn't accessible in lower dimensions.
I have yet to know what consciousness level I am on in order to exist in complete oneness. In all honesty, it doesn't really matter and I don't really care. BE'ing "there" needs no understanding. It just is.