Hearts open when the energy in the heart chakra gets so overwhelming it can no longer be contained. There are a multitude of ways that this occurs, but.... one with overwhelming emotions needs to feel the experience for the energy release. After, there is an emptying out period (void) then the heart fills with overwhelming LOVE of all.
This is occurring as a result of the energies that have come through recently.
Dependent on your vibrational frequency, you will feel "this" differently. If you have low vibrations (anger, pain, sadness, etc.) they will surface and ask for release. THE FEELING IS THE PURPOSE. There is nothing wrong with what you feel. The issue comes in when you have judgement of it. When you judge it, you tuck it away, hide it, suppress it. (Creating the "loop" you see to come around again).
Want to release judgement? Then say to your head "so what, who cares" and GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to let it come up and go. The fear of the feeling keeps one stuck in it. Feeling offers bliss, happiness & freedom like never before. The fear is false and keeping you from your own happy.
Anytime something awesome awaits you "on the other side", fear will step in to deter you. KNOW that all it is is an energetic release. Now, there is a purpose to the release... the release IS the purpose.
Now, you must choose to just let go. Don't hold on. Cry or get angry for the purpose of release, not as a victim to anything.... so what, who cares.... say it and give yourself permission to feel that which is trying to leave. ♥