I started out in the lower dimensions, like everyone else. I got jacked up to hit a multitude of higher dimensions, then would get dropped back down (or put back) in the lower one.
Each time I "graduated" a level after a multitude of tests and "proving" that I could hold that frequency, that I was serious and that I would not fall back on old habits when I had a choice... I got to maintain and move to a higher frequency.
This has gone on for about a year and 1/2. The closer I got to "now" the more pronounced the shifts were... then they seemed to "slow". But they didn't slow, they were merging.
My higher dimensional self "channeled" light beings. Then I just "became" light and it came through me... but it was always "one or the other"... high dimension or low dimension..... today was different.
Usually when I enter into a "mixed" dimensional area, I can feel the abruptness of the change. The frequency actually changes. Sometimes I maintained a high frequency, sometimes I lowered.. this too was a test to maintain.
Today, as I descended the stairs, I was aware, but able to maintain presence in mixed dimensions... I drove to the store and interacted... as if I were multiple people in one physical body... the "present" me, was one with no words, as I am so "within" that nothing outside affected me.... the old me was present but not dominant... there was balance... I could laugh and chat and not be overcome by lower dimensional frequencies... kindness was always present and I was able to maintain silence and observation while interacting as my old self... it was quite odd... as I used to have to do either/or....
So, I share this new level of integration.... where all of my dimensional selves exist as one.... it is quite the experience to observe within one's self... I can feel the integration as it transpires... what an interesting night this is going to be!
I love you all and am so blessed to BE here with everyone at this "time"... tomorrow is but a different version of this moment.... I have been "moving" moments all day today.... as "time" becomes something to "play with" again.... exquisite indeed. ♥