Over the last several months the "interactions" have evolved quite exponentially. We evolve as our "remembering" and experiences here evolve.
The concept of another life (past life) was just a really cool concept for me up until probably 2012. Then the dimensional portals blew open. Past lives, future lives, current lives all came to be one life. Separation dissolved. Duality dropped away. Little by little there was no longer a "past life" but instead "looking into" other versions of ourselves.
Those "entities" that many perceive as attachments or demons or whatever, just all became other versions of self. They no longer were something to banish, but something to show kindness and love to in order to integrate them into our being. It was no longer about duality, separation or fear, yet a new understanding that they are just parts of our "selves" that serve a purpose in teaching us to heal something within our "selves", and when that occurs, they dissipate, diminish, cease to exist.
For a year or so, I was "plagued" by all of these entities that caused me all of these problems. They attached to me due to a "hole" or "trauma" that needing healing/releasing/clearing. As I healed, they "left". But now, I can look back and see that I gave my power to them. They scared me to death at one time. "Sad" thing is that they WERE me. I just didn't get it at the time.
Now, I encounter this with those I engage in healing work. They have the same traumas, same addictions, same issues. Some have "other lives" or "other selves" that surface and cause them to focus their attention on something outside of themselves. Instead, as they work to heal themselves, these "things" also heal and integration of all selves occurs, and they are able to take back their power and find their truth within.
Our other selves, other dimensions are not something to banish or fear, but yet they are us and if we are to help "them" we must help ourselves by healing self through love.