In part of the work I do, helping others, most of the time I "feel" or "know" what is going on with a person when they don't. Even when they think they do. Even that is much of the time "off". Why? Several reasons. One is, I just do. Sometimes it is in the words they speak or their mannerisms, or higher guidance just plain tells me. Another is that they are too close to it. They are "in" it. And when one is in it, unless they are able to step back from their own experience to become an observer instead of a participator, they can't see clearly. I can. I can even do this with my own stuff. I can detach. Being involved is not an option when accessing information objectively. It takes being an observer to see things clearly; to be able to discern the "messages" we receive as something more than our ego or just a passing thought.
The question is only hard if the person's ego is stronger than their willingness to let go. If they are ready, then they will stop and go "wow" and a flood gate of information will start to come through. Then it is time to sit back and let them "realize" how much pain and anguish they have create for themselves. I continue to guide, where needed, with ease & kindness. Once one also "sees" the simplicty, they are amazed at how hard we all make things on ourselves. I understand this, as part of the WE that does it too!
Emotional pain is a response to a thought. Period. So who is thinking the thought? Who is in that head causing all of that pain? Once one realizes that these are their thoughts, their perceptions, their self-created fears, worries or traumas, then they can consciously choose to let go. Be free.
There is absolutely no thought that we can't let go of, IF we choose to.
Not good enough? Says who? So what if someone else thinks that, it is their own thought that they are projecting on you. Your thought is your thought. Period.
I need to be perfect. Really? And by who's idea, what is perfect? Who sets the standard? Where is that rule or that process? In the head. Again.
One cannot argue that the thoughts we have are learned. Learned thoughts are someone else's thoughts ingrained into us as we grow up. And if not positive or productive, then they are normally dysfunctional in some way, promoting fear, distrust, lack and more. So if that is the case, we have taken those dysfunctional thoughts on as our own. Now is that something you want to live by? Do you trust those that put those thoughts into your head more than you do your own heart? And what's to stop you from just saying "I don't like this thought?". It no longer serves me. I'd like to think that I am good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, whatever... because even "enough" is a standard set by others or ourselves. Decide that what you have/do is always enough. Release yourself from expectation. BE enough, because you are enough. It is your thought. Choose one that makes you happy!
In kindness and love.