To actually FEEL love, to be love, to know love... that is something else totally. That is perfection. :)
So many spend their entire lives looking for "love".... We hear it all the time. "I need a partner to love me, so I feel valued or validated as a person (people don't actually say that part, but that is the underlying meaning for most). But to come to a place that you FEEL love in absolutely everything you do, everything you see, everything you are... that is a feeling from within, that no other person or thing can provide. We exude it when we breathe, when we walk, when we smile, when we heal. That we find within ourselves.
How does one expect to understand true & unconditional love if they don't experience it & feel it for themselves? How are we supposed to share this wonderful gift if we don't come to possess it first?
I see it repeatedly in the classes that I teach. Most obvious & recent, Reiki/Energy Healing Classes. For me, healing is feeling. Anyone can put their hands over someone, stand there, chant, breathe, think... but if we can't get outside of ourselves, put the ego aside, come to a place of letting go & feeling... we fail to be able to tap into the full meaning of what it is to share our gift of love & healing with another. Healing (for me) is letting go and going to "that place" of absolute nothing but love & purity. It is there that I can truly connect and help another come to a place of healing themselves. It is then that I become a facilitator of healing love.
Sometimes it takes awhile to "get it", as it did for me, and many others that I now meet. In the beginning we may try to "understand" healing. There is no "understanding" healing for me now. There is "being" healing. The rational mind, the reasoning mind, the logical mind needs to think about it. It can't truly comprehend this "thing". The intuitive mind might take awhile to get there, but eventually when it learns to "tap in", it starts to understand "the point". It starts to understand that those who heal from an unconditional place, couldn't care less about being right, understanding the semantics of "how" things work, it comes to understand that there is no "rational" explanation for what takes place. What does occur is a phenomenal gift of light & love that only the heart can understand.