Many do not yet comprehend the magnitude of this, but this too is changing. As more embrace change and higher vibrations, they will come to understand that which they already know inside.
You are a Universal Being of Love and Light. You are an energy of consciousness and you have access to that which is beyond all comprehension there in the physical. You have no limits and you are connected to all that is.
Your own separation is that which you seek to resolve. Your frequencies are tuning to higher vibrations and all that is out of alignment with that will continue to fall away.
There are times this seems overwhelming. This is because it is what you have come to know as a physical human being. You think that you know how things are. You have no idea until you choose to step outside the thoughts of your human mind, what you are capable of and how you truly exist.
Nurture your heart in every moment. That which you see through your heart allows those limits to cease to exist.
The human self will seek to hold on, while your unlimited self will seek to let go. You perceive that this is "new" to you. It is what you once KNEW that is attempting to emerge. It is only new to you because you have been living in a land of the forgotten.
You all are unlimited, energetic beings. This is a reality that exists for you NOW. It is no longer a perception of something to come. It is here and it is time.
Your playground, your entire physical reality, is waiting for you to expand your mind to see beyond your own previous limits. You came here for this purpose. It is time for you to allow yourself to be that which you could not previously see.