We are being stripped... stripped of everything that our ego "needs". One by one, little by little. And this is not an "easy" thing to experience. Or is it?
It's not the "thing" that is the issue, it is the attachment to it. We don't HAVE to lose everything, but we do have to lose anything of low-vibration attached to it. Anytime some"thing" or some"one" overrides what is innately right and true, we will be "forced" eventually to "let it go". How much we have to endure is entirely up to us.
When the focus is on the thing, then we lose "sight" of the purpose of it all. We are prompted to release on our own. We are given gentle little nudges by the universe, but we don't like that. We don't want to listen. It is too uncomfortable. We NEED that. After all, it IS what makes us us, isn't it?
It is that thought alone that causes our anguish and misery while we fight losing it or letting it go. It is our own attachment to it that puts us in that place to start with. For it is so much simpler, so much less painful, so much easier just to "let it go" isn't it? Then why do so many of us fight and kick and scream and do everything we can not to? Who are we if we don't have that thing, that relationship, that job, that house, that car, those clothes, that certification, that money, that stuff?
I have lived it and I was one of those who fought, kicked, screamed, cried and eventually let go of each thing one by one. I stand here with my heart in my hand and in complete bliss and still continue to share with everything that I am. And I have peace. I have unconditional love and gratitude. I have what others seek & strive for and eventually will come to find/experience in their own way, however they choose (or don't choose) to experience it.
Do I have my "struggles"? Yep, we all do. How I view them are different now. And how I experience them gets easier & easier as I continue to gain trust in the Universe as I continue as one with it and not a separate entity of I.
Every time I lallow myself to get a bit side-tracked, start to lose faith, decide I need to step in and that I know better than what I "know" through higher guidance, I am gently reminded to re-center, re-balance, re-member what I am a part of. And it is much bigger than my "little self" can ever create in this physical world!