For a long time, being an Empath, feeling & seeing others "true" self over what they were "displaying" really tormented me. I could not understand how so many people could be dishonest. Projecting a smile when there was so much pain/anger/lack underneath, but I could "see" they were not. It just added to my "betrayal" issues that I had going on, as it seemed everyone was "inauthentic" and not being honest. I would meet someone, instantly "see/feel" and then low & behold later, the "truth" would rear it's ugly head.
Then one day, in a moment of despair over all the "fronting" I experienced, a very smart "student" said to me "why do you care? That is theirs. You can look beyond that to see the truth and use it to help them heal. What is theirs is theirs and if you trust yourself, theirs doesn't have to influence you." Wow, how profound! I was so wrapped up in it, I did not see "how I was allowing their dishonesty" to affect me. I never stopped to realize that they are totally separate. So I shifted my focus to me. Standing in my own truth, being honest, not compromising. That was much harder than I expected. I had allowed myself to compromise so much that I didn't know how to stand in my own truth without being harsh, rude, hurting. Or did I? I sure found out!
When we are not honest with others, we also are not honest with ourselves. We allow others to influence the way we "think" about ourselves. We look in the mirror and we try to view or we do view ourselves based upon the way we perceive others see us. Actually, we can only see ourselves as we see ourselves. We can never see ourselves through another's eyes, as they see everything as they perceive, subject to the distortion & thoughts in their mind. Only the purest of hearts see us as we are, which are souls of pure love, and for those rare (but more surfacing) individuals, we don't need to change who we are, as they accept us with our imperfections, as when they look at us (and everything) they see pure light, beauty & love.