In the beginning, we have a "spark" of light. That spark ignites within our soul, a craving for something we never once desired like this before. A thirst for knowledge, a need-to-know, answers to questions we've never previously entertained. We go on a rampage for this knowledge. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? and much more...
We exhaust ourselves through research of who, what, when, where, why, how.... absorbing at an exponential rate. Each source opens up new questions and we must watch & read more to appease even more open-ended questions.
We reach a time that we have read so much, it seems there are more questions than answers.
The only place left to go, is the one place we have continually avoided, the place that holds the key to everything we seek: WITHIN
WITHIN is where our truths reside. No one else can answer those things seated deep within our soul. And in order to access them we must delve into the the places that hold the most secrets; those places hidden in the dark and accessible by the thoughts that run rampant (or lay dormant) in the depths of our mind.
Dark represents fear. It is seen with shame, blame, guilt, resentment, anger, or lack. It is judged as good or bad. Right or wrong. It technically is neither, it just is. Coming to understand this, allows us to resolve the duality that we came here to experience and then release from our energy field. The need to hold on is long "past". It does not exist any longer. It only exists within the mind.
Learning to challenge one's own mind and learned belief system is an art that requires listening to our thoughts in every moment and SEEING them without judgment. Observing and saying "I don't need that anymore; THAT no longer serves me."
With every release of dark, one opens up to receive more light to fill, repair and heal that space.
The need to hold on will be strong. The logical mind does not want to release this part of the identity. It will fight and sabotage with every bit of energy, pulling from your physical energy to deplete. Yet with each clearing one gains more strength. It is the logical mind's "fear" of this strength, dissolution of the dark, that causes one to avoid the perceived pain or loss.
There is no loss of self. It is actually quite the opposite. There is a loss of identity to what was perceived as self and "safe" to hold on to, but with release of that old identity, one now creates a whole new BEING from within the heart. With every release from the mind the SOUL is allowed to emerge with more light.
The SOUL covets no "thing", it desires nothing material. This is part of the battle, as the physical self, the lower self, the logical self, needs to hold on to the physical in order to exist. As the SOUL continues to emerge, the physical world becomes but a thing to support the SOUL purpose in assisting mankind to evolve to a heart conscious existence.
All other lifetimes exist here & now. They are no longer something "elsewhere" to go find. With expanded consciousness we can tap into those moments in the present and clear them just by doing what is in our heart as true; by stepping into fear, by doing what is uncomfortable.
Karma is now the result of our thoughts. In an instant, when presented with an opportunity to act or react, we can become conscious and start to clear our own karma by not doing what we have done in the past; by not reacting out of habit, out of protection or what is safe. We can clear karma just by choosing the "perceived" hard way. Our mind tells us it is hard. If we are conscious, we realize this is false, that pride and safety are no longer issues. We can allow those to fall away and not respond but choose an action that allows us to not incur new karmic debt.
We now have the tools to step out of judgment and release all that holds us back. This requires choosing. Until one decides to choose, one will remain limited to the dimension of reality that those thoughts reside in.
The higher that one can expand their thoughts, the higher that one can choose to access by way of releasing the lower limitations, the higher one can tap into