I have many gifts. They change, grow, expand...depending on where I am in my journey. I didn't always consider them gifts though. I used to view them as curses. They hindered my life. They overwhelmed me. I didn't understand them and frankly, wasn't in a good place to deal with them. They owned me. But as I started to learn, to understand, to clear myself of the heavy energies and blockages that interfered with my functioning to fullest potential, all of that started to change. But I had to change me. I had to let go of all of the "stuff" that weighed me down. In every aspect of my life/being (physically/mentally/spiritually/emotionally/materialistically, etc.).
Someone made the comment "A gift cannot be taught". That was absolutely perfect! We can teach people how to remove the obstacles, how to free themselves, how to connect... but ultimately we don't control such things. We access them. The level of access is up to the spiritual individual's capacity to connect. Trust is a HUGE part, if not the most important. Without it, we don't access to our full potential. We miss things. We receive information, but if we are not paying attention or are shut down, it is always out of reach.
One topic that is constantly debated is the financial exchange for something like this. I have learned a lot in this area and am sure I will learn more. This one was a particularly hard one for me.
As energetic healers, I think most all of us give freely the majority of the time and anywhere we can. We give from our heart. We never stop "working" as it is 24/7 with something like this. Unfortunately, in the physical world we have to pay bills, survive financially, make enough to help more people. I have also learned how not charging creates an unequal exchange energy. The energy healers give on every level each time they heal. Granted, what we get back is also healing in return. But, too much giving creates an imbalance on many levels, including physically. For many, the only way that they can afford to help others is to charge an equal exchange. I don't personally know many energy healers who do this to get rich or have succeeded in getting rich. That is far from why we do this. Granted, there are many who have turned it into a business, and I say, more power to them, if they continue to help people and don't turn away those in need in the process. There always has to be a way to help those who can't afford it and also help those who can. Basically, if someone is going to tap into their energetic gifts to help another with something that can ultimately help them in a way that they could not have gained elsewhere (and let's face it, if someone seeks you out, then they usually need/desire something), then I feel an equal exchange is fair. We give of ourselves on every level. Many of us live on very little means so that we can help another. It's basically a bartering system of energy.... some give with money, others gift with something else. For those seeking an energy healing service, unable to heal themselves, then much of the time the only thing that they do have to exchange IS financial. We all help each other out. We utilize our resources and gifts to help another. None of us are rich financially, but we are definitely abundant in love for each other and other wonderful things. This is what is most important.
Teaching classes & workshops is yet another exchange where physical world value is placed upon the education/information received. Basically, if we all did not teach because we couldn't charge, then how would anyone come to learn the things we so seek to know? Again, not preferred, but necessary.
For me, keeping my motives, intentions & actions pure and always giving back is a way for me to keep moving forward. Those with anything less are governed by a higher power and abuse of such gifts can be cause for them to lose so much more in the end or along the way. We all serve a purpose in everything that we experience and do. We can never lose site or forget what is right and important. As soon as we interfere with our path or another, when we start forget people and put other things first, when we become selective in who we help for any reason... then we have lost sight of the higher good. When we stray from our path something will always happen to knock us upside the head to give us a chance to make it right. I choose to stay on the path, to always do good... I don't need that 12x12 as much anymore to learn such dramatic lessons! I've crashed and burned. It's necessary sometimes, but I definitely don't plan on doing a repeat again in order to learn my lessons. I got it last time!!! Thank You. ♥
It is also no longer my responsibility to govern another's motives with what they do with what I teach. I used to be so hung up on this one. But who am I to decide? When I even begin to think that I have the right to make that determination, I have lost the reason as to why I ultimately have access to these gifts. It is my responsibility to teach/share to the best of my ability the things I have access to. If that person chooses to ignore the gift they have received, then that is their choice. The control I have is only to share it, not to govern what they do with it. Some choose to "cast it aside", because it is not what they wish to hear at that moment. Who knows... maybe later they will reflect and remember and utilize it. Some have the idea that they can take a gift and abuse it or use it for harm. Karmically, this one gets taken care of. It still is not up to me. But if I withhold it, if I try to determine who or what is deserving, then I totally have to disconnect from source to feel that I am worthy of making such a decision. I believe that if that person is meant to get it, use it, learn it, share it, then it will happen exactly as it is meant to. If they don't... then it is not time. One thing I have learned is paths are already set. Lessons are already chosen. My role is to share my gifts with as many as I can and those that are meant to receive them will come across my path. I don't discriminate. I don't care if you have college degrees or are indigent. I don't care about your hair or appearance. When I look at people, I don't see status or physical anything. I see energy. I connect with that energy to share what is meant to be shared. Each time it is different. If nothing happens, then it is obviously not meant to be. It is not time. If it does, then I allow it. It is not mine to protect or keep to myself. Gifts are for giving.... otherwise they would not be gifts.