Many will not speak of that which they do not understand out of fear of the disillusionment. Their masculine energy strength will determine how hard they tighten their grip of attempting to hold on. Those who's hearts have softened (feminine energy) seek first by choice. Masculine energy (human mind) has to be "broken" while feminine energy (heart) will ask for help.
It is extremely important to open communication & hold compassion, while allowing for all to feel or continue to think as they feel they need to during what can be perceived as very "traumatic" transition. Each energy has distinct methods for how they are victims to that which they perceive is occurring "to" them.
Disrespect, distrust, desperation, anger, blame, shame, guilt, control, greed, pride, judgment & fear will be part of all that surfaces. Many who have been journeying will be additionally tested in order to increase their own vibrational frequency. Each increase will allow for more centering & balancing to come to further understanding that it is "out there" and no longer a part of what lies within?
As observers one can see it with it not being a part of the inner reality. One understands the difference. The projector gives one the ability to understand how all is working to play itself out. An observer holds no opinion or judgement. An observer transmits a frequency of ease when nothing else makes sense.
Sleep/rest, hydration, nature are of the highest importance for all.
Many will be tested to assist, without overstepping boundaries. One can not seek to assist, rather they must have it be brought to them for the other(s) to be open to receive. Where resistance occurs, one must step away and allow for the other to absorb. Each will choose how long they hold out and how much perceived suffering they will endure. When they are ready they will ask.
There will be many tears shed to release the etheric cords that have been created to all that has supported separation within. All needing to purge will do so on a greater scale. The tears are extremely necessary for all. One will help ease this transition with love, kindness, compassion and expanded perspectives. All are here to share light. This will allow for others to ignite their own enough to find their own way and choose how they wish to experience that which continues to transpire.
I love you. ♥