Many are getting "stuck" in the same "moment"... one of lower frequencies that have yet to be cleared.
Imagine it from a non-linear perspective, if you can.
There is only ONE moment... this one right here...
In the "past", when an uncomfortable situation (thought) would occur, we had an opportunity to "choose" to "wait until later". That is no longer a choice. It has come down to the moment of being "stuck" in those frequencies that have yet to be released. The never-ending moment is liken to Groundhog Day, where one repeats the same thing over & over until a "different" choice is made to change things.
This is much the same thing, but it is ever present in ONE moment.... those uncleared frequencies are remaining until one chooses to clear it. There is no moving past it. Everything is now down to CHOICE. A choice to stay stuck in the present vibration... this is the Karmic Loop that occurs when a vibrational frequency has yet to be cleared.
Most focus on the "thing"... it has nothing to do with that person or that thing. This has to do with an entire vibrational frequency that has to go. It is about releasing that from your energy. Any choice not to, will keep you stuck there. It is your final test, it is your final option to release.
A karmic loop is where we are presented with the same frequency repeatedly (anger, blame, shame, guilt, fear, self-blame, victim mode, etc.); is given the opportunity to go within, know what has to be done to let it go and step INTO it. The loop occurs when we do no do so. Now the loop is closing in to appear in EVERY moment, time is coming to a halt and everything is present in that one moment.
One can immediately recognize, step into it, choose to release it and step into a higher vibration. But one must be CHOOSE to do so. Otherwise being stuck there is what many are enduring in these last days of clearing and release.
It is not my place to speak of what is to come. It is each of our places to do what needs to be done in order to get there. ♥